Chapter 44

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Third Person POV

Tin was happy to see Can parking his car just as Tin had rounded the corner of the parking lot. He quickly took the empty spot beside Can's car and ran after Can as Can was walking away.

"Hey, Can!" he called out, "wait for me!"

Can turned around and when he saw Tin, he poked his index finger at Tin's face.

"We are over, Tin, do you hear me? We're through, we're finished. I don't ever want to see your face again, do you understand?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what brought about this sudden change in you?" Tin asked, trying to be patient with Can's outburst.

"Why don't you ask your father and my father? It looks like the three of you have plotted to bring me into your plans to keep the company wealth within our families," said Can in a very cold voice, "well, I'm not falling into your plans, Tin, and I'm not falling for your fake charms anymore."

"I see," said Tin, a sharp pain shooting into the left side of his chest. He held back his tears. He wasn't going to cry over someone who thought so poorly of him.

Even through the pain, Tin noticed that aside from the back pack, Can was carrying a big plastic bag that seemed to contain a large food container that was jutting out a little from the top of the bag. Was he planning to hold an after class party with his friends to celebrate the fact that he was now co-heir of one of the largest corporations in the country?

When Tin walked into his classroom, Pete noticed right away that something was wrong with Tin. Tin's emotion was always so transparent even if he refused to believe it.

Pete did not push Tin to talk about his problem until after class. Pete texted Ae that he couldn't join him for lunch today but that he would meet up with him after his last class.

When the bell rang for lunch break Pete pulled Tin back to his seat. He waited for their teacher and classmates to leave the room and then said, "If you want my advice, Tin, even if Can refuses to listen, insist on letting him hear your side of the story."

Tin smirked at Pete, "You talk like you know what my problem is."

"I don't," said Pete, "I was just giving you a generic advice for any problem. It works, most of the time."

Tin wondered if Pete's advice was worth following.

He thought long and hard. And then he stood up.

"I will let you know if your advice worked," said Tin before walking away. And then he turned back and said to Pete, "Thanks for ditching lunch with Ae for me but I think you still have time to call him and let him know that you're free to have lunch with him after all."

Tin walked in the direction of the cafeteria. He did not see Can in his usual spot so he looked around. He saw him by the tables where a group of Engineering students were gathered. He saw him handing the large plastic bag to Chakrii.

Tin concluded right away, and rightly, that the food container inside the bag was the one that contained the dish that Jade had cooked for Can. He was returning it to Chakrii.

This was not the time to give in to jealousy. He waited for Can to finish talking to Chakrii.

Then he walked over and grabbed Can before Can could ran away.

Can tried to pull away but Tin's hold was too tight.

"We are talking whether you like it or not," said Tin, pulling Can in the direction of the parking lot.

He stopped in front of his car, unlocked the rear passenger door, pushed Can inside and pushed him farther inside to give space for himself.

He noticed Can had his eyes closed tightly with the index fingers of both of his hands sealing his ears.

On any ordinary occasion, Tin would have been amused by this childish act of Can, but the issue at hand was too serious for him to be amused at anything.

He forcibly took Can's hands from his ears and held them tightly on Can's lap.

"I will make you listen to me whether you like it or not," said Tin. "After you have heard me out and you continue to think badly of me, you will never see me in this side of the campus again. You had better mark my words."

Can continued to keep his eyes closed, but at least Tin knew that Can could hear him.

"Yesterday morning when I went to see you, I had no idea what was going on within my dad's business practices. It was only when I got home in the late afternoon that he told me about a business deal that was supposed to happen today. Maybe it's happening right now. He told me that if the deal goes through, your father who is already a major shareholder of the company will own half of it, making you a co-heir to the business. No wonder my dad was being so nice to me when I got home and was asking me very personal questions about you and me. He admitted that he and your dad want us to be tied together legally just to keep the wealth within the family. If my dad forces me to get tied to you I plan to fly back to England where I have spent many years of my childhood so I am no stranger to their culture. I have enough money in my bank account to tide me over until I'm able to have a steady life over there."

Can opened his eyes and looked at Tin. He had a very angry and confused look in his face.

Then he started pounding his fists on Tin's chest.

"You were planning to leave me! You were planning to leave me, you son of a bitch!" Can cried as he continued pounding his fists on Tin's chest. "All this time I believed you, when you said you were willing to take responsibility for my morning sickness!"

Can pushed Tin away as he tried to get out of the car, but Tin held him down and hugged him tight.

They stayed that way until the bell rang, signifying the start of afternoon classes.

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