Chapter 29

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Can's POV

Jade pointed out Chakrii's house to me and I parked outside the gate.

As she handed my phone back to me, her phone started to ring.

"I called my number from your phone so that your number will be registered in mine," she explained.

"Okay," I said as I stepped out of the car to open her side of the door for her.

She and Malee stepped out of the car as I held the door open for them.

Malee shook my hand to thank me and to say her good bye but Jade hugged me instead. She had a very pleasant perfume.

"Can you tell me the name of your perfume?" I asked.

"Oh, you like it?" she asked, with a happy smile.

"Yeah," I said, "I was thinking maybe I could buy that kind of perfume for my mom for a special occasion."

"Well, I'll be happy to tell you," she said,"it's called Sexy Little Things by Victoria's Secret."

"Oh, okay, thanks," I said.

I changed my mind. I didn't think I should be buying that kind of perfume for my mom. But maybe I could suggest it to my dad to buy it for her for their anniversary.

"Thank you for the ride," said Jade, "I hope to hear from you soon."

"No problem," I said.

When I went back to the car, Good said to me, "Do you think you could ask Jade for Malee's number?"

"What?" I asked in surprise, "why were you so silent along the way? You could have asked it from her while she was still with us."

"I was too shy to ask," he said with an embarrassed smile.

"Okay," I said, "I'll let you know once I have it."

I dropped Good off at his house and made my way back home.

As I neared my gate, my heart jumped to my throat. Tin's car was parked outside my gate.

Why was I feeling guilty? I had not done anything wrong to him. Maybe he was here just to say hello to Rainbow.

My phone started to ring with the Constellation ringtone that I had assigned to him.

I first parked my car behind his before I took his call.

"Tin," I started to say, but he had cut the call.

I saw him step out of his car so I stepped out of mine.

In a few large strides he was right beside me. He pulled me to him and without a word of warning he started to kiss me.

It was not a loving kiss. It was not even a passionate kiss. It was a rough and angry kiss.

I tried to pull away but he was holding me too tight.

My mouth started to hurt and I felt that I needed to get some air but he just would not let go.

When I thought I was on the verge of collapsing, he suddenly let go and I almost stumbled to the ground if I had not held on to my car for support.

"What the fuck, Tin???" I asked him angrily.

"Are you going to see Jade behind my back?" he sounded more angry than I was.

"Why would I do that?" I countered.

"Liar," he muttered before walking away.

I ran after him and grabbed his wrist. Even though my mouth still hurt from his rough kisses, I placed my lips on his and started to give him a gentle kiss. When he kissed me back, my kiss turned passionate and I let him slide his tongue to caress me inside my mouth.

When we pulled apart, we were both breathing heavily.

"I love you, Tin, you spoiled brat," I said, between gulps of air, "heaven help me, but I love you."

I happened to look up at my house. From our upstairs veranda, I saw Lay looking down at us with a happy smile. Shit, I was not prepared to face her merciless teasing when I get inside the house.

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