Chapter 32

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Third Person POV

After a few moments of being frozen in utter shock, Mr. Medthanan grabbed his phone and called Can's dad.

"Chanvit!" Can's dad said when he answered the call, "what's up, big boss."

"I'm...not...sure..." Mr. Medthanan answered hesitantly. " you know where your son is right now?"

"Actually, no, he hasn't called me nor his mom yet, so we're actually starting to get worried," said Can's dad.

"Umm...he is here...with Tin's bedroom," said Mr. Medthanan, sounding a little helpless and worried.

"Whaaattt??? Your son has kidnapped my son??? Let me call the police!!!"

"No, wait, Prem! Please don't jump to conclusions!" Mr. Medthanan begged Can's dad.

"Video call me then and let me see my son face to face to see that he is alright, that he is all in one piece!" Can's dad demanded.

"Okay, Prem, I will do that, but please, just calm down," said Mr. Medthanan.

Mr. Medthanan ended the call and then changed it into a video call. 

When Can's dad's worried face appeared on the phone screen, Mr. Medthanan told him to hold on as he went upstairs to Tin's room.

In his anxious state, Mr. Medthanan almost missed a step before he got to the top of the stairs.

He knocked on Tin's door but there was no answer. He waited, then knocked again. Still total silence. 

He tried to turn the doorknob but it had been locked.

He knocked louder this time.

"Go away, dad!" Tin called from inside the room.

"No, Tin! Open this door right now or I'm breaking it down!"

After waiting a few seconds, the door opened a tiny bit, and Mr. Medthanan pushed it open.

Tin was standing behind the door with a blanket wrapped around himself. Can was under the bed covers, shirtless.

Mr. Medthanan's mouth opened and shut, opened and shut, like a fish that you watch inside a fish bowl.

"Let me talk to my son!" Can's dad demanded.

Shit, Mr. Medthanan had forgotten that Can's dad was on video call!!!

Mr. Medthanan almost fainted.

"Prem, please, please, my friend, my brother, please......." Mr. Medthanan's voice was almost a whisper because he felt that he was not taking in enough air.

Tin ran to the bed and covered Can completely with the bed covers.

Can struggled.

"I cannot breathe, Tin!" he exclaimed.

"Your dad is on video call with my dad!" Tin exclaimed, "do you want your dad to see you naked?"

"Oh my god, no!" said Can and hid under the bed covers.

"Where is my son???" Can's dad demanded again. "Let me talk to my son!"

"Promise me you won't be shocked," said Mr. Medthanan as he pulled the bed covers away from Can and gave him the phone.

"Cantaloupe!!!" Can's dad exclaimed before he fainted and Mr. Medthanan's phone screen went blank.

Tin heard a loud thud on the floor. His dad had also fainted!!!

Tin ran downstairs with the blanket still wrapped around him.

"Mom! Call the paramedics! Dad is on the floor, unconscious!"

Tin's mother looked at the state of his son, naked, with just a blanket wrapped around his body. She just sat frozen on the couch, not knowing what to do.

"No, Tin, don't call the paramedics! Your father is conscious now and is getting up from the floor!" Can called out from upstairs.

Tin ran up again, the blanket almost coming loose from his grasp.

Mr. Medthanan's phone started to ring again. It was Can's mom.

"Hello, Mr. Medthanan?"

"Jasmine, call me Chanvit, please."

"Chanvit, Prem told me that Cantaloupe is in your house with Tin, is this true?"

"Yes, Jasmine, how is Prem? Has he recovered?"

"Yes, he is resting on the couch right now. Lay is handing him a glass of iced water."

"Please give my apologies to Prem. Tell him that Cantaloupe is alright."

"Can I talk to my son please?"

"Of course, Jasmine, here let me give the phone to him."

"Mom, I'm so sorry, I was about to call you while I was still at our gate, but something happened and I got distracted, and before I knew it I was driving toward's Tin's house."

"It's alright, son," said Jasmine to her son. "Lay told us everything that she saw from the veranda upstairs and it seems that you had willingly gone after Tin, so it's not a case of kidnapping as your father has foolishly concluded."

"Thanks for understanding, mom," said Can, "so, will it be alright for you and dad if I spent the night here with Tin?"

Can's mom hesitated before answering. Can waited anxiously for her to reply.

Finally she spoke up, ""It's alright, son, just tell Tin to be gentle with you."

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