Chapter 34

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A/N: To any reader who is below 18 or any adult reader who might be offended by explicit descriptions of intimate physical contact, PLEASE SKIP THIS CHAPTER! Thank you for following this warning. For the rest of my readers who do not fall under this category, here we go.........

Can's POV

The moment that Tin jumped into the bed, he whispered to me, "I have not forgotten where we left off."

"I have not forgotten either," I said boldly.

Little did I know that soon my boldness would turn into a whimpering crying mess.

At first it was even I who started to kiss him. He kissed me back but somehow I could feel that he was holding back.

I started to get impatient.  I was already so hard and excited that I felt I would explode any minute.

His mouth left my lips and started moving towards the side of my neck. I could feel him alternately kissing and sucking on my sensitive skin. My mouth was partly opened as I savored the delicious sensations washing all over me.

Then suddenly I remembered. Tomorrow was our first day back to classes.

"Shit, Tin!" I pushed him away from my neck. "My classmates will see all the red marks on my neck!"

"Wear a turtleneck shirt under your uniform," he said, going back this time to the hollow part on my shoulder.

I was getting so much pleasure that I reached the point where I stopped caring about the consequences.

Tin started trailing kisses down my chest.

"Mmmmm......" I couldn't stop making little sounds as he covered one nipple with his warm moist mouth while caressing the other one with the palm of his hand.

When he moved his mouth to my other nipple that he had been caressing, I felt him sucking on it like a very hungry infant.

Why did I suddenly feel like a breast feeding mother.

"Tin! That's enough, stop!" I said, pushing his face away from my chest.

He moved lower down to where my navel was and dipped his hot tongue into the small indentation.

"Uhhh!" I was not prepared for the pleasure that his tongue could give me there.

Before I could even savor it fully, I felt his hand enclose my already hardened member.


I felt like I was drowning in one sensation after another as he replaced his hand with his mouth. He started circling his tongue on the tip of my hardness, and then started to rhythmically go up and down on it with increasing rapid motion.

I knew I was going to explode any moment.

Then suddenly he stopped and lunged on top of me, but he did not kiss me. He was searching for something under my pillow. I noticed that he had brought out a tube of lubricant.

"Tin, how long has that been under your pillows?" I asked in great surprise and realization. "You had kept it there even before I came to your house? You were that confident???"

He did not reply but I caught a smile at the corner of his mouth.

This arrogant confident jerk! I was tempted to stop our session if not for the fact that I was enjoying it so much.

He went down again on my still hardened member and I started to moan again with the pleasure he was giving me.

Then he knelt at the bottom of my feet and lifted my legs up toward my chest and I felt him apply some lubricant around my back entrance.

"This might hurt," he warned as he slowly inserted a lubricated finger inside me.


Before I could get adjusted to the pain, he withdraw his fingers and then inserted two lubricated fingers and a fresh wave of pain came all over me.

"Tin, it hurts too much!"

He stopped stretching me there but kept his fingers inside while he bent forward and enclosed my hardness with his mouth. I forgot the pain as I felt the pleasure of his mouth around my hardness.

I felt him withdraw his two fingers and then I cried out at the sharp pain of three fingers going inside me.

"Aahhh...I can't handle the pain! Stop! Stop, please!" I cried.

Again he stopped stretching me there.

"Why do you have to insert three fingers there?" I cried in pain.

It was a purely innocent question. I did not realize that he was preparing me for......

I happened to look at his own hardened member.

"Nooooooo...Tin! Noooooh, you are not putting that inside me!!!"

I knew for sure that I could not handle it. I knew that I was going to die in this bed if he placed that giant thing inside me.

I watched him in horror as I saw him applying a big amount of lubricant around it.

"Mom, dad, Lay, I love you all. Rainbow, I love you too. If I die right now, I want you all to know that....aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

The bedroom door got flung wide open.

We forgot to lock the door!

Tin's mom and dad stood at the doorway looking at us with horrified faces!!!

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