Chapter 30

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A/N: I apologize to my dear readers for the delay in the update of this story. I was experiencing some kind of burnout. But I'm always thinking of all you. So, here goes. I hope you won't be disappointed. Thanks a million for patiently following this story!

Tin's POV

I looked in the direction of where Can was looking with a shocked and dismayed expression on his face when I heard him utter the word Shit.

Shit was right. Lay had been watching us kissing from their upstairs veranda.

I didn't know which one to react to first, the fact that Lay had seen the passionate kiss I had just shared with Can or Can's confession that he loved me, even if he called me a spoiled brat  all in one breath.

I decided to deal with Can first. Lay can wait.

"And when did you decide that you loved me?" I asked him.

"Honestly, I don't know," he said, "maybe just now."

I flicked him on his forehead.

"Ouch!" he cried, "is that how you treat someone after he has just told you that he loves you?"

"No," I said, "that is how I treat someone who has made me suffer with so much anxiety and uncertainty and jealousy and all other negative emotions that are now too many to count."

"I didn't know that you could be such a drama king," he said with a smirk.

"If Lay was not watching us right now, I would kiss you breathless for saying that," I said.

"I don't want to go inside the house right now," said Can, "Lay will tease me the whole evening."

"Spend the night with me," I suggested.

"No way," he said, "I would rather face Lay's merciless teasing than your....." his voice trailed off.

"Than my what?" I asked. Now, he had to face my merciless teasing because his dirty mind was working overtime.

I was right. His mind was indeed working overtime. His face turned into a ripe tomato shade of red.

He tried to look away but I placed a finger under his chin and turned his face to look at me. He refused to look at me. He closed his eyes tight.

I looked up at the veranda. Shit, Lay was still up there with a big smile pasted on her face.

"Can," I said softly, "look at me and listen carefully to me. If you spend the night with me, I promise you will sleep in a separate room. I will have you assigned to the guest bedroom."

"You will not be sleeping with me?" he asked in a hurt tone.

"Make up your mind, Can!" I exclaimed in frustration, "do you want me or don't you want me?"

Can looked at me wide eyed.

"To sleep with you, I mean," I corrected myself. Shit, this was starting to get complicated.

Wait, no, this wasn't complicated at all.  All he had to do was to tell me whether he wanted me to share my bed with him for the night or not.

"Can," I said again patiently, "I promise I won't touch you when you are in my bed."

"You won't touch me at all?" again the disappointed tone in Can's voice.

I scratched my head.

Finally, I said, "Why don't you tell me in your very own words what you want me to do when you are in my bed?"

He refused to answer. Instead, he took out his phone from his pocket.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I'm calling my mom to let her know that I am spending the night with you," he said.

At that exact moment, his phone started to ring indicating a video call. I moved close to him to look into his phone.

 It was Jade video calling him ! ! !

With one swift strike from my hand, his phone went flying into the air.

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