Chapter 18

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A/N:  To my wonderful readers, please do not get tired of me expressing my thanks to all of you who have voted and sent in your comments. Even if I am unable to reply to all of your comments, I am deeply grateful and inspired to continue writing this story. You are all so precious to me. 😘😘😘

Third Person POV

Tin stood by his house's driveway as he watched Can drive away. He felt a new admiration towards Can. He looked so cool and amazing and mature as he drove off in his Ford Focus.

Tin mentally kicked himself for all the rude and mean remarks that he had dished out to Can and his friends. His behavior had been borne out of his past sad experiences but it still did not excuse the meanness that he had shown to Can.

Tin wondered sadly how long it would take to unfreeze Can's cold and unforgiving heart. He longed so much for Can to love him back. Was Can even into guys like himself? Maybe he preferred lovely young girls with long fragrant flowing hair and twinkling eyes, not rough and manly guys like himself who did not know the first thing about expressing their emotions. He was not good with words at all and always felt awkward about expressing any affection towards any one.

Well, Tin decided that he was not going to give up on Can, even if it took forever.

When Can and his mom and Lay got home, Lay carefully carried Rainbow into the house.

"Where do you want me to set this down?" Lay asked her mom.

"Upstairs in my room," Can answered for his mom.

"I thought you did not like Rainbow!" Lay exclaimed in happy surprise.

"I changed my mind," Can said with an unreadable expression.

"Take Rainbow upstairs then," Can's mom replied, happy at the thought that her son seemed to be softening up to Tin.

Can cleared out his study desk by the wall on one side of his room. Since his desk was by the wall there was not much chance of the fish bowl being knocked over.

Lay handed her brother the package of fish food that Tin had given her together with the fish bowl.

"Be sure not to overfeed Rainbow, P'Can," Lay warned Can.

"I will take good care of him," said Can, already gently caressing the side of the fish bowl.

"Hi, Rainbow, I'm your new owner, Can," he said happily to the fish.

Rainbow seemed to swim over to where Can had placed his fingers. Then Can mentally shook his head. Why was he talking to a fish. Oi, Tin, what have you done to me?!?!?!

Can took a quick shower after dinner and then logged into his computer to google on how to care for a rainbow fish. He was reading the care instructions on his computer when his phone that he had dropped on his bed started to ring. He jumped because he had been so concentrated on his computer and got startled by the sound of his phone. The ringtone was generic so it was nobody he knew. He did not want to have to stand up from his desk to walk to his bed so he let it ring till the call ended. It must be just some telemarketer, Can thought.

In less than a second interval, his phone rang again. He glanced at it. It was Tin video calling him!!!

No way was he going to take the call! He ignored it until his phone went black again. Then he heard a notification of a text message. He sighed impatiently as he stood up to read the message.

"Just wanted to say good night to Rainbow" - Tin

"To Rainbow only?" - Can

Wait!!! Delete! Delete! Delete! Shit, shit shit! He had sent it without thinking!

Can's phone started ringing again. No! He wasn't taking the video call of Tin! No freaking way!

His phone sounded with another text notification.

"Why won't you take my call?" - Tin

"I just wanted to say good night to you and Rainbow" - Tin

"Rainbow is downstairs in the living room. I'm too lazy to go down and show it to you on video call" - Can (Can was of course lying to Tin)

"Well, good night then. Thank you for spending time with me today." - Tin

"I did not spend time with you. Lay and my mom did." - Can

I will break you down yet. Tin thought to himself as he closed his eyes and pulled up the bed covers over himself.

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