8 | Black and White

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I heard the voice coming from the kitchen, I don't know why but it sounded familiar. Have I heard of it from a game or something?

Nevermind, not now.

I shook my head and started walking to the kitchen, not letting my guard down. The voice getting louder each time I took a step. The lights then flickered. What is this? Some cliche horror movie?

I let out a small sigh, then peeked into the kitchen. I saw nothing. I shrugged, then felt thirsty. I grabbed a glass of water and saw my skin... It wasn't the natural fair tone, but instead it was very white. White as paper.

I looked at my hair which was brown, keyword: was. But now, it's the color black. What the heck is happening?

Then, my vision became blurry. I shook my head and surprisingly, the blur slowly went away.

"What the heck is going on?" I muttered to myself, obviously not getting an answer. But I was wrong.

"Do you not remember anything?"

I looked around, nothing was there. No one was there. I took deep breaths, then shook my head no. I'm still confused.

"I am not from a game..."

"W-what..?" I asked, then looked at my hand again. It was still the same paper white color. "Who are you?!"

"I am... someone who is very close to you,"

"Someone who is... close, very close..?" I questioned. Then I just realized, the lights were off, when was it even off?

I looked around, but I can't see any tracing of furniture. Not any trace of it. "Um, are you an.. old friend?"


Negative, that means no. So, they are not an old friend, that's for sure. Come on think, someone who is very close...

"Are you possibly the ghost of my aunt, uncle, grandpa or grandma?" I asked, which sounded stupid. People can't just see spirits or ghosts, right? Definitely a-


Yup, was just about to go say that in my head. Okay, okay. Not an old friend, or any of those four... Can't be my little brother right? Could be my dead parents, then again, they aren't that close to me.

"Um, are you my little brother?"


Does this person only answer with that word? It's kinda weird just hearing it over and over again. Okay, stay calm. Try not to possibly scream.

"... My parents?"

". . ."

It stayed silent for a while, about eight minutes or so. I looked around, this weird random conversation couldn't get any more weird or awkward.


Half, what does that mean? A maybe? Wait, it's obviously not my mom, because the voice sounds male. Well, I think it's male. It can't be my dad, because I somehow remember what he sounds like. So, parents... Possible dad?

Before I could ask a question, the darkness slowly left the kitchen. Well, I think I'm still in the kitchen anyway. I looked at both of my hands, it wasn't paper white anymore.

I looked at the room, yup, it's the kitchen. I looked at the floor and saw shattered glass. Must've been the glass I was holding way earlier.

So... Can't be a dream, because I'm still in the kitchen, I've had weird dreams hours ago. Can't be a random vision, right?

...Half... What would that mean?

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