23 | "Play with me."

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"So... Why are we here exactly?" I asked the two, while we were walking... somewhere. They both shrugged in response, I huffed.

"What do you guys wanna do?" I asked. "Watch memes!" Smii7y responded, "Eat Cheerios!" Lui exclaimed in his squeaker voice. I laughed, "How do we get internet connection? And Cheerios?"

"Psh, I have offline memes on my phone!" Smii7y said, he bought out his phone and tried turning it on. "Fuck, it's 0%.."

"Well, I saw some Cheerios somewhere!" Lui said, still in his squeaker voice and then he started running the opposite direction. "Lui! Wait up! Come on, milkbag!"

"Alright, alright! LUI DON'T GET LOST, OKAY!?!" Smii7y shouted. "Bro, he's like right in front of us.. Plus, we're on a fucking sidewalk." I said while running after Lui. "Well, you never know." He mumbled, but I heard, I rolled my eyes under my mask.

Both of us stopped running when we saw Lui staring at the glass window of a store. "Hey, Lui? You found dem Cheerios?" Smii7y asked Lui.

"No.." He said, quietly. Me and Smitters looked at the glass window to see what he was possibly staring at. There's a shelf, a small-ass table, an empty basket, I don't see anything that would get Lui's attention-- Oh, wait, nevermind. There's a monkey mask over there.

I looked at Lui, "Really man?" I asked, he blushed in embarrassment and nodded. I laughed. Smii7y rolled his eyes.

{ Time Skip to Night time, bought to you by... Here in my garage. }

"Its 10:19 PM now.. Where do we sleep?" Smii7y asked, while looking around the alleyway we were currently at. "Oh, I don't know, why not in front of the door?" I asked, then scoffed.

"Okay, real funny," Lui said sarcastically. "Fine, fine. We're sleeping in this damn alleyway!" I said, seriously. "Well, at least it's somewhere," Smii7y said and then yawned.

"Is this how Panda felt..?" I joked, then sat down near the wall, the two laughed. "Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the wall and floor bugs bite!" Lui said, in his squeaker voice, then fell asleep. I laughed quietly, then looked at Smitters. Who is also asleep.

' ' Damn, are they really that tired? ' '

I was about to close my eyes, but I heard faint footsteps, I usually don't mind footsteps walking by. But for some reason, I wanted to figure this one out.

I stood up, deciding to leave the Bubble Daryl shotgun here, just in case some other shit. I made sure the pistol was in my pocket, once I quickly made sure it was in my pocket, I stood up and exited the alleyway.

I turned to my right, to see no one. I then turned to my left to see... A little girl.

She looked like a seven year old, though, she is probably older than that. She has long messy brown hair, as in literally, messy. A pink dress, with red and brown stains? She didn't have any footwear as well. Why does her arms and legs have cuts and blood stains?

... Why is her face... Is her forehead dripping blood or something?

The girl's appearance made me remember a creepypasta, Sally Williams. The child that got raped by his uncle.

The girl seemed to notice me and smile, it sent shivers down my spine for some reason. She walked over to me and looked up to see my masked face.

"Hello!" She greeted enthusiastically. I smiled under my mask and waved, "Hello."

"My name's Sally," She introduced, my eyes went wide. "What's your name?" My eyes went back to normal, I cleared my throat and said, "Just call me Scorph,"

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