28 | Synonyms [1]

32 3 0

' ' I've gotta take the risk.. ' '

I quickly closed my eyes and teleported away. I opened my eyes and saw where I ended up teleporting to, it was the alleyway where I saw Wildcat.

' ' I should practice on how to teleport... ' '

My head hurts like hell. I'm one hundred percent sure it's because it's been forever since the last time I teleported, I'm sure I was like.. four of five?
I looked around me, checking the surroundings, trying to see if anything seemed familiar.

Once I found my way back, I walked into the alleyway and sat near Smii7y, I yawned and feel my eyelids get heavy (Of course, I'm not going to take of my mask). I relaxed and let sleep take over...


|| ??? POV ||

"So, who are you gonna start with, boss?" Peter, some random guy I possessed, asked. "Perhaps I could slowly start with the nighttime fledgling.." I said to myself, then continued, "Then, I'd go for the hysterical one, then the disrespectful one..." I took a breath and continued once again.

"Then the unintelligent one with an accent, the child-like one, the compassionate one, then the wrathful one... Lastly, the rodent."

Peter just nodded, signifying that he was listening. I huffed and looked at Secret and her friends. I smiled and then darkly chuckled.

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