13 | Thoughts

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' What was that sudden flashback...?  That thing.. was he my dad? Also, Ben... Ben Drowned...? '

I cut my own thoughts off, by looking at my phone to see the time, 9:47 PM, I sighed then turned off my phone. I walked to my room and quickly plopped down on my bed. I looked at my bedside table and saw my mask...

' My mask..... '

I covered myself with a white blanket, then closed my eyes. Now, some of you are probably thinking: You didn't have dinner? Yes, I did not have dinner, because I'm not hungry..

' So, that Ben person had blonde hair and was playing Legend of Zelda... It can't be BEN Drowned, it has to be just a coincidence, right? Then again, Ben Drowned's origin said his father drowned him... It can't be... '

As I feel like drifting off to sleep... My smart side voice had kicked in...

' Hey! Don't forget about the mission! ' ' So? What about it? It's just all to myself... '

I heard my smart side face-palm in my head. ' You might be forgetting that you need to tell Vanoss and the others about this! ' I immediately opened my eyes.

' Shi– '

' Sister! ' My active/childish side voice censored my thought. Sure, she might be the childish side, but she knows cuss words, but not the weird stuff...

' So... if you want, you could possibly tell them about the mission now... '

' In the morning? '

I heard a groan in my head, then some paper noises. ' I'll be waiting for that... '

' So, now that I think we got things scheduled, maybe organize...? '

' Did you say ORGANIZE?! '

' DID SOMEBODY SAY... ROYALIZE? ' My creative/fanciful/Disney side voice asked, appearing to the conversation, basically shouting in my head, which gave me a headache.

But it didn't really hurt that much.

' Oh, whoops.. Sorry! ' ' It's okay, it didn't hurt that much anyway! '

' Aren't I surprised? ' My emo part said in my head, sarcastically.

' Oh great! It's Sunshine! ' ' Oh great, it's the princess-wannabe... ' ' How dare you! I am a princess, for your information! And I will get a swor'

' Okay, calm down you two. ' ' There's no need to insult each other! '

I can tell my emo part rolled their eyes, then went silent.

' Well, at least Sunshine is gone! '

' Maybe.. you should go and apologize..? '

' Why would I though? '

' Because you're a positive side and a princess... So you should go and apologize... '

' ... Fine.. ' Then my creativity went silent, hopefully off to apologize. I closed my eyes again and let out another sigh.

That was... indescribable... ' ' Goodnight, bucko! '

Then they both went silent. I smiled, then snuggled myself in the blankets... But once again, as I was about to go to sleep. A thought rushed in my head...

' Oh shiz! The deal with Slender! ... How can I find him...? '

' Wait... Slender...? Their real..? '

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