16 | The Live Stream

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Okay, so everything's set. I just need to give Kat a message. I grabbed my phone, which I putted on my desk, because I took a bath once I was done setting everything.


Hey, Kat


You bitch, I know you can see these!


I'm a kat, thank you very much, fag

Ur welcome :)

Anyway, Imma start a stream

Wanna join?

Sure, just let me fix my stuff

...And feed my dog

Oh, okay.

See ya

Wait, can I do the thumbnail?


So, I'm gonna do a Q&A and some Cleverbot

Ooh, I know

It'll be quick, promise!


Shush, child



Kk, ttyl

Then, Kat sent a picture (picture above). Well, she was right, it'll be quick. Kinky, I know. Well, I'll just draw an Eyeless Jack and Ben Drowned to it...

Done. Now, I fixed up the thumbnail, the title, description. Yeah, this is good. I then started the stream, considering Kat is taking quite a while.

"WUSSUP– Wait, am I live?" I questioned, then saw a chat. Well damb, two hundred people, already. "Oh, well there's my answer... WUSSUP, WEB NATION?!" I did my intro, then the chat somehow blew up.

"Omigosh, first time she's live! ... I think" "Wussup, Scorph?" "Yay, she still has no schedule!" "Ooh, Q&A!! Yes boi!! I mean, YAS QUEEN!!!" "what's your age? "

That's all I was able to read. "Okay, web nation, calm down. It's just another live stream by one of those youtubers," I said, as I rolled my eyes, but the viewers obviously didn't know.

"Anyway, Kat said she'll join, but she's taking fucking forever!" I stated, "Well, let's just start the Q&A, shall we? ... Bring dem questions in, web!"

Then my phone went off, I quickly gave Kat a Skype call, considering she doesn't have Discord. Rip.

"Hey guys, look a bitch is here!" I exclaimed, I can tell Kat rolled her eyes. "Okay, first question... Is the "bitch" Kat? Yes, now say hi, kitten!" "Hello!" Kat greeted. "Kitten, you read one of the questions." I said, then drank a bottle of water.

"Are you and Kat a "thing"? Why did I even choose to read that one.." Kat said, I was so close to spitting out the water. I put the bottle down and answered, "No, that's just weird. Kat has a boyfriend and I'm straight, okay?"

"Okay, I'll choose instead, Scorph, what is your age? Well, I am just gonna tell you the year and if you do the math correctly then that's my age! I was born at the year, 1987.."

"21! I mean, I mean... 41– No wait, 31!!" Kat said, I laughed. "Well, someone has their math mixed up." I looked at the chat and saw most of them saying "Quick Maths"

"Hehehehe, Quack Meths," I whispered into the microphone. The chat blew up mostly because of... fanboys and fangirls, wow. "Okay! This is for Kat Plames: I know you did a face reveal, but what's your real name?"

"Uh, well, shoot. My real name is Tiarna Weshely," Kat said. "Ooh, nice name! This one is for both of us, Have you two met irl? Nope." "Never in a thousand years!" Then, Kat broke into song...

"One step closer... I have died everyday, waiting for you. Time has bought your heart to me, I have loved you–" I quickly cut her off and sang the next part.

"–for a thousand years, I've loved you for a thousand more~" I finished, the viewers seemed amaze, because they were all commenting positive shit.

"Wow, you should do covers!" "why aren't you a singer?! " "That was nice singing, Scorph.... and Kat" "I wish I could sing like you ★_★" And many more I wasn't able to read.

"Continuation of that later, to CLEVERBOT!!" I said, I went to Google and typed 'Cleverbot.'

' ' Well, I'm in for a trip for sure! ' '

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