27 | In Front Of Me

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Do I even care search where and who said that? Probably... Yes.

Being the curious human being I am, I peeked around a corner of an alleyway and saw a man, facing his back. He had brown hair. Then for his clothing... He was wearing an expensive looking coat, gray pants (I think) and black boots. Once he turned around, I got a glimpse of what his eyes looked like...

It was blue.

Then, he put on a pig head, which was wearing some sort of helmet. Wait a minute... Wildcat?!

"I repeat, are you all ready, bitches?" He questioned once again to.. no one? Does he have a comm or something like that? I'm gonna assume he does.  ' ' Wonder what he's talking about... ' '

I heard muffled responses coming from Wildcat's comm, then he said, "Alright! Let's get this party going!!" I heard his footsteps getting closer and I started to panic, then I remembered... I can teleport. I quickly closed my eyes, concentrating, then I snapped my fingers.

- -

[ ??? POV ]

I groaned as I sat here on a random building's rooftop, some man put on a pig head down in a near by alleyway. There was also this woman wearing a mask, watching that guy. I don't know what that guy's up to, but that's not why I'm here, I'm here to keep an eye on the soon-to-be-creepypasta-and-proxy. I looked at the other CP that was here...


She was assigned to join me in this mission, which I don't quite understand. I looked back down and saw the pig man person start walking out of the alleyway, suddenly the masked girl just disappeared! I quickly looked back at Clockwork, making sure I wasn't fully insane (*cough* like that stupid Jeff), she also saw it, guessing by the fact that her left eye went wide.

"Jane, should we tell Slender?" Clockwork asked, looking at me, "We've been here for almost two hours!" She added, whisper-shouting it, of course. "Well, yeah, we should." I said, Clockwork smiled.

- -

[ Scorph's POV  ]

I opened my eyes and looked at my new surroundings... I was behind a bank? Pretty sure I focused on going to a McDonald's, but okay..

"Early Man, you in?" I heard his voice again, I mumbled a curse under my breath, "Fuck sakes!" I then started wondering, AGAIN, of what he was talking about or what he's planning to do. I sat down by the wall, keeping low.

"Alright then, tell me if it's clear!" He said and I heard a small beep coming from where he was... Then I heard him throw something and his footsteps fading. I slowly checked to see what he threw..


I panicked a little but I managed to move away where the explosion would take place. I sighed as I hid behind a tree very far away from the bank. Everything is like a puzzle, so if I connect what I heard and saw then... He's planning to rob a bank!? With some other people!?

"EARLY MAN!! You in!?" He loudly asked at his comm. Boy, he's lucky most of the neighborhood are heavy sleepers.. "What? What do you mean..?" He asked, a little more quiet. Then he groaned, "Let Forehead or Basically do it.. Now go!" He commanded and I heard him sigh.

' ' So... Early Man, Forehead and Basically..? Then he's with Moo, Mini Ladd and it's obvious enough, it's still Basically.. ' '

I peeked behind the tree and saw Wildcat rubbing the back of his neck, it was obvious enough he was stressed. ' ' What's gotten into him? ' '

"I wonder what made him and the others motivated to do this.." I said a loud, Wildcat must've heard because I heard his footsteps getting closer. ' ' FUCK!! ' '

I tried running away, but I tripped on a twig.

' ' DOUBLE FUCK!!! ' '

I got up, but it was too late... He was right in front of me. . .

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