Baking Fail or Success?

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sorry I didn't update last week, life is crazy at the moment

It was a normal afternoon...well as normal as it gets when you live at the Avengers compound. Your boyfriend, Peter had come over to hang out with you while everyone was off doing whatever. You and Peter were watching movies and TV like you usually did on days like this.

At the moment you were watching The Great British Baking Show. The contestants were bustling about their work spaces doing the best they could to finish their best batch of cupcakes.

"We shouldn't have watched this. Now all I want is cupcakes." you groaned.

"I was thinking the same thing!"

You sat up from your spot on the couch, "Lets make some cupcakes."

"I don't think that would end well."

"Oh come on! How hard can it be?"

"It's gotta be pretty hard, I mean look at these people! They're professionals and even they are struggling!" Peter argued while pointing to the TV.

"That's because they're being timed! Of course they're struggling."

Peter sat in deep thought for a moment. "Okay true. But I still don't think we could do it."

"Please! It would make me so happy!" you stuck your bottom lip out and did your best puppy dog eyes.

"Don't. Don't do that." Peter turned away from you, knowing he would say yes if he continued looking at your face.

You moved so you could be right in front of him. He looked you in your eyes trying to muster up the courage to say no to your adorable face.

"Okay, fine!"

"Yay!" you wrapped you arms around him and he rolled his eyes.

"You need to stop using your cute face against me. I'm not strong enough to say no to it."

You giggled, "Why do you think I use it so much?" You grabbed his hand and dragged him into the kitchen.

"Alright, what do we need?" you asked looking around.

"Well, a recipe for starters."

"Yeah, that might be a nice thing to have."

You then got on your phone and looked up a simple recipe. Once you found one Peter began going through the kitchen to find the ingredients you needed. While Peter got everything out, you preheated the oven.

"Wait what are we putting all of this in? Do we have one of those things?"

"What things?" Peter asked

You shrugged, "One of those whisk things that has the bowl attached to it. You know what I mean? Like the thing that mixes everything together."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

You began looking for what you wanted, "The thing that like spins and it has the paddle looking  thing on it as well as a bowl. You know? Like what they use in the show."

Peter stared at you with a puzzled look. You continued to dig through cupboards and drawers.

"Damn. I don't think we have one. What else can we use?"

"A bowl?"

"Ooo what about this?" you asked pointing to the blender on the counter.

Peter shrugged, "Sure."

"Alright. Lets do this." you said.

You and Peter then dumped all the ingredients into the blender. You glanced at the settings on the blender finding one that would work best. "Here we go!" you said placing your finger my the button.

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