Nailed It!

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this chapter is going to be a real mess but stay with me
I now realize that all of these that I write are just a giant mess

"Welcome to the show all you freakin' nerds! It's your host, Wade Wilson AKA Deadpool here!"

"What the hell are you wearing?" Tony asked from the side.

"My Mariah Carey outfit dipshit." he said back. And sure enough over his red and black suit he was wearing a Mariah Carey inspired Santa dress.

"Anyway!" he continued. "Today we will have nine teams of two competing to make the best gingerbread house! And you dear reader, get to decide who you want to win! Once you finish reading this piece of shit you can comment your favorite to place a vote for them! Now onto the teams! You know them and you definitely love them, here they are!"

Each group sat in their own miniature kitchen full of all of the supplies that were needed to create the best gingerbread house imaginable.

"Here we have our first team Y/n and Peter! Next to them is Loki and Shuri, then we have Bucky and Sam. Our fourth team here is Scott and Clint with Natasha and Hope next to them. Our next team is Thor and his little pal Bruce. Then Tony and Rhodes as well as Steve and T'Challa and finally Wanda and Vision!"

The teams began to wave and smile at no one in particular. Each one determined to win.

"You have an hour to create the most wonderful gingerbread house you can. Once the time is up you will show them and our lovely reader can vote on their favorite. Now get going the time is starting! Run, run, run!"

Everyone began scrambling about. The chaos began. Shouting and screaming was all that could be heard.

"We need as much candy as possible!" Scott told Clint as he began structuring the small house. Clint agreed then went to get all of the candy.

Y/n and Peter were attempting to stick two walls together. They fell apart the second they took their hands off of it.

"Screw this! I'm getting new materials!" Y/n said looking for something else to make the house out of.

Sam and Bucky were yelling at one another about how their house should look.

Vision and Wanda were happily putting together their house as if they weren't being timed at all.

Shuri and Loki somehow had already assembled the biggest gingerbread house ever.

T'Challa and Steve were working hard and getting much done in the time given.

Natasha and Hope were also doing well. The two of them working great together.

Bruce ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "Why won't the stupid walls stay together!"

Thor began rubbing his back soothingly and repeated, "The sun's getting real low." to calm him.

"No PhD prepared Doctor Banner for this." said Deadpool.

"We need tape!" Rhodes yelling running through the different kitchens. "Does anyone have tape?"

"Why the fuck do they need tape?" Wade asked. "Oh would you look at that! Scott had some! Why the fuck does he have tape?"

Rhodes began running back to his kitchen with a crying Tony in it.

"Tony! Stop eating the candy or we'll have none for the house!" Rhodes yelled.

"Ten minutes left people!" Deadpool shouted.

Y/n let out a laugh as she looked at the house her and Peter made.

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