Bounded by Memories

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I've faced difficulties in finding inspiration to write this past month and that's why I haven't updated.

But thanks for your patience.

His arm weighted down against her abdomen.

Dark blue sky painted outside the big triangular window stared back at her as she lay in bed, though clear blue eyes remained wide awake even after the clock of midnight had long since passed. No matter how much she had tried to shut her eyes, to ignore the smallest of sounds like the patter of feet in the halls outside as servants come and go to finish with their duties before retiring back to their own quarters, to numb her body of every sensation that her skin felt like the slight wind and the brush of Hans' warm touch; sleep remained out of her reach.

"Do try not to listen for once, darling." The Prince had told her, just as they were preparing to rest for the day, and when she had asked of what he was referring to, of what he was trying to tell her with such an unclear exclaim, he had only raised his shoulders in a shrug before his mouth opened to speak. "Your Council."

She wished it was that easy.

To just push all their demands and words aside, she assumed, to press her palms over each of her ears and drown the men's voices, to simply ignore them in a way that would release her from the pressure that she was constantly put under as Queen, a female monarch with the entire kingdom under her ruling.

Yet she knew, deep inside of her, no matter how good his intention had been when he had spoken, that she could not follow, for her Council was her place to seek guidance and discuss matters for the good of Arendelle, and should she was to ignore them then there would be consequences that she would rather avoid than being involved in.

Demands after demands that were directed at her were, in everyone's belief, for the sole benefit of the kingdom. She was demanded to be betrothed at young age before she was crowned Queen for it was easier to pair two young royals than to handle marriage proposals once she wore the crown, she was demanded to maintain a good relationship with her husband before the public's eyes to keep them off the rumors speculations that may arise, now they demanded for her to soon bear an heir for the throne while she was still young and capable as to ensure the Arendelle bloodline lived on should something was to happen to the Queen.

Breathing out a sigh, her head turned on the pillow, to see the peaceful face of her husband as he slept, unaware of the storm of thoughts raging within his wife's mind. Resting one cold palm against his jawline, feeling the sideburns that has been freshly trimmed just recently, she moved to press a kiss against his lips, soft and gentle, lips just barely touching as she did not wish to awaken him before she moved his arm off her, sitting up and cautiously got up from the mattress without making much of a disturbance.

A mere wave of her hand alone was able to cloth herself in a light robe made of ice that gave it's own glow when the soft light of the moon came to touch it, an ability that she had discovered some time ago during one of her many practices that she had done all by herself, at that time she had created new icy details that intertwined so beautifully with the fabric of her dress and she had begun to wonder if she could make something more.

She was thankful for the door that did not creak when she had pulled it opened and closed it back up as she stood in the darkened hallway, empty and so quiet as no one was sane enough to still be awake at such hour, and now that she was outside she was unsure on what she was doing, though she supposed she could just take a walk around the halls until she tire herself.

Basking under the moonlight, her feet lightly stepped against the carpeted flooring, eyes peering every once in a while toward the windows looking out to the fjord that sparkled dimly in the night. She grew up in these halls, ran through it with her younger sister, laughter filling the air as their nanny chased after them as she shouted the words that their Father would acknowledge their behaviors; and the fond memories brought a small smile to grace upon her face. Anna still ran through the halls, every now and then, unable to contain her own energy as she rushed past the servants, and no matter how much she had scolded her about it, per her Council's request of course as the Princess should not present herself so casually, the strawberry blonde haired Princess found it near impossible to slow down.

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