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People seemed to be losing interest in this story, but I want to continue this until the end, so yeah.

Her stomach turned even before she boarded the ship.

'The Nordlys' stood tall before her, swaying lightly with the waters of the fjord, bathing under the morning sunlight as the crew of the ship loaded the baggage meant to be brought along by the travelling party, the ship itself had been named after the direct Norwegian of 'Northern Lights' and is meant to be the sole Arendelle's ship that would be used by the Queen to sail should she needed to. There was no denying that it was such a beautiful vessel, had been designed with her every need and preference, a perfect ship.

Still her heart raced against her chest as she thought about even walking up onto it.

"Oh wow!" The excitement was clear in her sister's voice as she came to stand by her side at the docks, slightly out of breath as from the corner of her eye she had seen the Princess practically leapt out of her carriage, but the wide smile plastered on her face told her that she did not even notice her state of breathing. "It's beautiful! I've seen it from afar, but this close? Elsa, this is amazing!"

At least now she has Anna responsible for all the talking, should someone come to share their own amazement at the rarely sailed ship.

Arms wrapping around her own, the Princess had continued with her chatter of how happy she was to be able to join her to travel all the way to Corona, expressing just how much it meant for her to come and see Rapunzel's young daughter Marlene, and how memorable their journey would be together. Anna joining the travel gave her some sort of a reassurance, her presence a counter-balance with her anxious self as the younger seemed to be truly unaffected with the thought of sailing after what had happened with their parents.

"A beautiful day to sail, Your Majesty." His voice came even before she could see him, just as he walked down the plank of the ship, his boots thudding against the wooden as he came to greet her with a dashing smile on his face. She didn't mean for her heart to beat so hard in a completely different reason than before as she took the sight of him, dressed handsomely in his Admiral jacket, the medals he had earned over the years of his service in the Navy reflecting the sunlight.

There was barely a time where she would see him in his full uniform such as this. He was always such a dashing man that could make her heart fluttered every time she saw him, but dressed like this, surrounded by the atmosphere he was familiar and spent years in, he just looked even more breathtaking than before.

"Elsa, are you blushing?"

She almost forgot that Anna was still standing by her side, close enough to notice the rising heat on her cheeks. Her comment had not make it any better, as she had only managed to blush more while Hans gave a lighthearted chuckle as he came to stand before her. "Would you like to do me the honor to take you aboard, My Queen?" His hand was extended forward, awaiting for her to take it as from the corner of her eyes she could see the strawberry blonde haired Princess snickered at the gesture, and with a roll of her eyes, she accepted.

It was even larger than she imagined.

With a very spacious deck where the ship crew came and go as they prepared for their departure, bowing as their heads as they walked passed her and receiving her nod in return before they continued on, she marveled at the time and energy that had been poured into crafting Arendelle's Royal ship such as this, even the one during her parents' era was not as grand.

"I will personally captain the Nordlys," Hans had spoken as she let her eyes wandered at the sight before her, even Anna had left to inspect the area all by herself by then, engaging in small talks with the crew she found to be not as busy with a bright smile on her face. "You do not need to worry about anything."

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