God Jul

145 11 16

The day was filled with cheerful laughter.

After ringing the Yule Bell as the start of the holiday in Arendelle, a tradition that had almost faded away with the years of the castle shutting it's gates and had only been recently revived by the sisters at the very same year that the Queen's magic had been revealed to the world, the celebration had started right away all around her. Immediately people engaged themselves with activities and friendly competition that had been prepared mainly at the courtyard of the castle.

Kristoff, who had been given the honor of bringing the Yule Bell from it's keep to the castle earlier, stood by his new sled that Anna had secretly gotten for him as he prepared himself and his reindeer for the sled competition. He looked rather embarrassed from what she could see, had his hand scratching the back of his head as he kept it hung low, avoiding curious gazes thrown at him. The Princess was nearby, keeping a respectful and proper distance as she pretended to busy herself with anything as she waited to be the one to start the competition, but the older sister could catch the secret glances she threw at the ice harvester when she felt no one was watching.

"Oh, she had it bad."

She hasn't heard her husband approaching, her shoulders tensing up for a moment as she was caught by surprise, but he had merely placed his hands over them as they relaxed back down with her turning her head toward him with a raised eyebrow. "What?"

"Anna." Nodding his head at the Princess' direction. "She's hopelessly in love."

Of course she had immediately discussed of her sister's newfound relationship with him as soon as both were preparing for bed, had expressed her torn feelings of wanting to have her sister happy while being aware of what the relationship would look like in the eyes of the Council. He had pursed his lips then, for similar to her he had also grew up with strict royal regulations, had lived a life surrounded by rules and expectations, thus to be faced by the current situation at hand had him sharing her feelings.

"I know."

As the sun began to set at the horizon, people had started to leave to head for their own houses, tired and yet filled to the brim with happiness for such merry celebration, ready to start their own personal family traditions. The Queen herself had retired back into the castle at least halfway through the celebration, utterly exhausted even though she had barely participated if compared to the Princess who made sure that she try each activity at least once, preferring to lie down and take a quick nap instead in her bedchamber, far away enough that the noises did not bother her as she buried her face against her pillow as she did not even bother to change out of the navy blue dress she was wearing.

It was only the shake of her husband's hand against her shoulder that had rose her awake, telling her that the celebration had ended and that Anna was waiting downstairs.

This was what she had promised to Anna, to spend each year gathered together as a family after the day had come to an end, for as much as the Princess loved to spend her day with their people, it was the small family that she had that warmth her heart the most. There was no duties and no more royal appearances, just the three of them spending the remaining of the holiday festive as a family, just like the old times, and to repay for every year where both sisters had to spend separated and lonely, away from each other.

She just didn't expect to receive so many things.

Pilling up by the tall tree by the fireplace that Anna had personally decorated herself with the help of the servants, gifts after gifts seemed endless as she had walked into the Recreational room that had been equally decorated for the occasion just as the sun had beginning to set at the horizon. She expected presents, perhaps from Anna and Hans and a couple of others outside the family, but not an entire mountain of those coming from her people themselves.

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