Royal Relations

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As expected, Marlene cried during the ceremony.

The child must have been in shock –if not frightened, as she was immersed into the water by the priest, her cries were shrill and echoed throughout the hall of the church and Elsa had fallen into a complete relation with the infant, as she somehow felt the similar way during her own coronation. Granted, she did not have to soak herself completely with water, yet still to be the center of attention when she imagined all Marlene wanted was to be in her Mother's warm embrace was similar to how she had wished to just stay in her room where she did not have to feel eyes on her back.

Perhaps her stature had been a little too stiff that it had Hans noticing, it was unavoidable seeing that he had one of his arm wrapped around her waist, his hand holding onto her side –it was merely a day since they had discovered her pregnancy and already he was finding it hard to stray away from her belly; for his head had turned toward her ever so slightly, with her catching his brow raising from the corner of her eyes, but she had given a little shake of her head in return, he did not have to make a fuss over her emotions.

She had thought that only her husband had noticed.

As the celebration continued to the ballroom, where Marlene could finally rest in the peaceful and quiet corner –being set apart from the crowd but still a part of the party, Elsa herself had found herself standing by the high windows, a flute of champagne in her hand untouched for mere appearance. A servant had offered her one, and if she was to decline when it was clear that she had not drank any, she was in no mood in answering questions. Thus Hans had been the one handling the other guests that came to converse with them, as seeing the displeased glint in her eyes he had been cleverly drove them away from the Queen, promising his quick return with a squeeze of her hand.

The last time she had seen her younger sister, she was talking with Rapunzel.

"You're acting weird." Anna's sudden appearance at her side had almost made her drop her glass, as for someone that was known to make ruckus in Arendelle's castle halls, the Princess could really sneak around. "Weirder than usual."

"No, I'm not."

"Who cries at a baptism, Elsa?"

A hormonal pregnant woman, it seemed. But she didn't think that Anna would have noticed such a small thing, especially when she had looked so utterly in awe at the whole celebration, with eyes never straying from the infant during the whole thing, and with the older composing herself as quickly as she possibly could. "There was something in my eyes."

The Princess' brows furrowed while her lips were pressed in a thin line, perhaps able to see past the cheesy lie that she had come up with in such short amount of time and pressure. It was not that she did not want to tell her sister of the joyous news that she had to hide, by Gods she wanted to squeal it out and have her sister as excited as she was, but she had to hold it back for now, she was not ruining someone else's celebration.

Mouth opening to throw another comment at her, she was saved by the approaching auburn haired Prince, who upon sight had made Anna closed her mouth back up, private conversation with her older sister interrupted. "You have made quite the impression during your coronation, darling." Hans started as he made his way to stand by her side, arm coming to wrap around her waist. "The gentlemen were persistent in knowing more."

"Did they?" Her question was directed at her husband, yet had watched her sister from the corner of her eyes as she did, seeing how her brows furrowed deeper as she watched the two. She could care less for people being interested to her or her magic, everyone does; it was the matter in keeping her secret safe that she cared the most at the moment. "Hans, I would like to dance."

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