Steady Beat of Your Heart

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He smelt of the ocean.

Late at night did he finally returned into their cabin, discarding his Admiral jacket on the back of the seat by the desk, his boots thumped heavily against the wooden floor as he undressed while she silently watched, as she did not wish to alert him that she was awakened by his entrance. The waters had been calm enough that her stomach had not been as upset, especially since she had that raw gingers Hans had recommended about.

Mattress sinking as his weight climbed up, his arm snaked around her waist as he snuggled up to her almost immediately, head resting on her shoulder as he breathed into her collarbone just as her hand moved to cradle him closer, and even if he knew she was awake by then, he didn't say anything.

It was not that he had never done such gesture before, to be the one that snuggled in such way to her instead of the other way around, it was just rare, and usually occurred when both his body and his mind was utterly exhausted that he needed her comfort, no matter how silent it was.

She had been the first to prompt him to express his own emotions, when he had returned one night with his shoulders slumped and his head hung low, bearing the news that it had been a particularly hard day for him, she had opened her arms and welcomed him in her arms, to let his head rest against her breasts as his arms wrapped tightly around her. Her fingers would comb through his hair, gently as she threaded against the auburn locks, lips brushing against his forehead as he listened to the beat of her heart.

Ever since then, it had become their own way of seeking comfort without the need for words.


Clear blue sky hung above her.

With no dark and intimidating clouds in sight as far as the eyes could see, Hans had deemed it to be another peaceful and beautiful day without a raging wave that she should be worried about. It was one of the things that had prompted her to agree in stepping out of the security of her cabin, another thing was that she had to know, had to see for herself, of what occurred on the ship exactly.

Anna had greeted her with a wide smile, bright enough to compare with the sun that warmed up her skin, as she cheerily danced around the deck, summer dress billowing lightly against the salty sea air along with her movement. Strawberry blonde hair loose in wavy locks except for the braid that came around the back of her head, the Princess' freckled face was framed perfectly for the atmosphere that surrounded her, fitting just right in the picture.

"Queen Elsa," her hand was raised to shade over her eyes as she turned and looked up to where her husband's voice had called for her, brows furrowing at the glaring sunlight behind the standing figure of the Admiral. Despite their marital status, in public where their ranks were clear such as this, it was still a must for him to call her at least with Queen, never her name only. "Come, I'll show you something."

Making her way up the wooden stairs onto the quarter deck where he was steering the ship, she had accepted his extended hand when he had offered it to her, unknowingly letting him tug her to stand between him and the helm instead, placing each of her hand on the handles as his went to hold her by the waist.

"Hans, what are you-"

"Keep it steady now, or else it'll sway." He had whispered, lips so close to her ear that she could feel his warm breath, and the sudden intimacy had brought a tint of red onto her face as her hands held onto the wood, back straight as she did not wish to cause a sudden jolt onto the entire ship.

"I don't think this is appropriate, Admiral."

There was a small laugh that came from him then, amused at what she had just said, though she was unable to tell exactly what part of it that had been funny enough for him to laugh about. "What? I am merely teaching the Queen how to sail."

She hardly consider this teaching, seeing that it lacked in information that came with it, and their closeness had done nothing but made her heart beat against her chest rapidly that he may as well had heard it, yet she would let him has his fun, for now. "Well then," her eyes flickered sideways to look at him before they moved to oversee the deck before her. "I suppose I should be thankful that the Admiral Westergaard is the one teaching me."

Again there was a chuckle that came from him as one of his hand left her waist to adjust the helm by resting on top of hers. His body warmth seeped through her glove, embracing her cold touch as gentle as his hold on her, and her heart fluttered. Their first months of marriage, where most people would be the most in love, had been as tense as it could ever be with her secrets and her unwillingness to have a husband back then, thus why now, at the moments where people considered them to be 'old lovers' and expected them to bore each other's mind already, had actually been the moment where they were the closest up to this point, and she would never object to that.

"Hands where I can see them, people!"

The sudden call coming from the Princess, standing with her hands firm on her hips at the deck as her chin lifted to have a better look at the two, turquoise eyes narrowed as she fought off the bright sunlight, had startled both she and her husband, her hands slipping off the helm just as Hans replaced them with his to avoid the ship going awry in such quick and alerted moves, her own eyes glared down at her younger sister.

"What?" Anna's question was almost half-shouted, as assurance that she was heard clearly, though there was a smile that played on her lips. "He's supposed to steer the ship, not flirt with the Queen, sister."

If the heat coming from the sun was not enough, then the one raising onto her cheeks as she faced embarrassment coming from her sister truly had her face burning. Stepping away from the helm, she had made her way down toward the strawberry blonde haired Princess with a stern look on her face. "Anna-"

"I am merely glad that you can finally enjoy this trip properly." The younger had grinned, not giving a chance for her to even scold her, arms linking around the Queen's. "I mean, what kind of fun you can get if you're holed up in your cabin throughout the whole journey?"

Not enduring sea-sickness would have been a good starter.

Taking a deep breath, she had shaken her head at Anna's direction as the younger lead the two to the side of the ship, watching as the Princess leaned over the wood and let her eyes fluttered close, genuinely enjoying the salty sea air that blew against her face.

"Well, I do hope it wouldn't happen again."

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