The Distance Between Us

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"...her unique ability is nothing I have ever seen before."

"Be patience with her."

Blinking, it took her a moment to realize that her bedchamber was rather dim, shadows coming from the lit candles dancing on the walls. Her head felt heavy, groggy even though she had been asleep for quite some time, ears catching the hushed whispers from those conversing at one corner of the room, backs turned to her that she could not register who they were. Turning her head to the other side, she noticed how the sky outside her window had darkened, blinking stars in the distance.

She...had fallen unconscious, had she not?

Her heart had suddenly pound against her chest with the memory and the realization, body shooting up to sit as her hands scrambled to toss the covers off her body, running over her pregnant belly as she searched for the movements she often felt coming from her child, fearing that after the pain that she had suffered earlier...

"Hey, hey, it's okay." Anna had come approaching her, noticing the panic-stricken Queen had woken up, sitting down on the bed beside her as her hand caught one of hers. "The baby's fine, Elsa, it's there, nothing's wrong."

Releasing the breath she had been holding, her shoulders relaxed as she indeed had felt the small nudge under her hand. Her child was fine, just like what Anna had said, and that she had not lose the one thing she held dear. "Oh God, Anna, I-" her eyes landed on the auburn haired Prince who stood at the foot of the bed, narrowing at the sight of him as her tone had dramatically changed. "What are you doing here?"

"If I remembered correctly, this is also still my bedchamber." She caught the sight of Anna turning her head at his direction when he spoke out of the corner of her eyes, and somehow it had made him sighed before he turned his attention back at her. "Elsa, is it wrong for me to worry over the well-being of my wife and unborn child?"

Considering the fact that he –though she knew did not mean for this to happened, had been the one who had caused her to fall under the crushing tension that could have cost them both the well-being of their child then no, it was not wrong for him to. Her rational mind had kept her from coming with a biting answer, yet it was not enough to keep her from being hostile. "You are, by far, the last person I wish to speak to at the moment, Hans."

Green eyes glancing up at the Princess before meeting back with his wife's blue ones, she had not expected him to simply sigh and nodded, keeping himself silent. Odd.

"Your Majesty," the doctor's voice had broken the stare between the two as she had turned over his call for her. "I highly advise for you to take as much rest tomorrow and refrain yourself from stress." She made a move to object, seeing that a Queen's job would never end –and there was the thing with the pirates, but the look at both her husband and sister had given her had made her to bite her tongue down. "And there is this thing with your powers." Now this, she could not help but question. Her powers had never been much of a problem for her now, as she was able to take control of it, had accepted it as part of herself that she could not go without. "Well, I believe that it has something to do with your abdominal pain earlier."

"I don't understand."

The middle-aged man had taken off his glasses, wiping the clear surface with a handkerchief before putting it back onto his face. "Seeing that you had an outburst before you suffer from the pain, I believe it would unwise if you use your powers during the length of your pregnancy. Any use bigger than this could have caused much more... damage."

Her eyes casted down, to where her child rested within her, the one thing that she was to nurse and protect. Running her hand from the crest of it and down to the lower part, she had prompted the babe to shift with her touch. "You are saying that my powers could... kill my child?" When her eyes had shifted back up to see the faces of those who surround her, to see the bleak expression they had, she did not need any other confirmation to know that what she said had been true.

"I wouldn't dare to confirm it, seeing that your unique abilities are nothing that I ever encounter before but-"

"We would rather be safe." Anna had interrupted, with a warm reassuring smile shot her way as her hand come to rest on her sister's belly. "The baby is strong, just like you, but we shouldn't be pushing it. I mean, not until the time comes when you do have to push it out, you know."

She thanked the doctor then, as he had no other business been there –though promising that should he was needed then he would return, and the atmosphere surrounding them had calmed down along with the relief that the Queen and her child had not been harmed in any way. Servants began making their ways out, bringing along the things unneeded to be in the Queen's bedchambers, until there was no one else but the royal family.

Anna had leaned forward, pressing a kiss down her cheek. "Talk to him." She had whispered to her ear, so quietly the older sister was the only one able to hear her, before she had stood up with a smile. "Goodnight, Elsa."

Once left alone, Hans had shifted in his position, eyes averting away from her, hands remaining clasped behind his back. "I'm sorry, for everything I have said." Meeting hers, he had blinked as his jaw tightened when he had received no answer from her. "I would... sleep in the guest room, then."

"Stay." She had been silent, but seeing how he had turned and started to the door, the word had escaped her lips before she could think. "This is still your bedchamber too, right?" That and, no matter how much she didn't wish to admit it openly, she had been sleeping with a figure by her side for two years by now, to imagine her alone on such large bed had unsettled her.

He watched her for a moment, perhaps waiting if she would have changed her mind, and when she didn't he had nodded and began to undress. She moved to lie on her side, as her belly had grown large enough for it to be uncomfortable for her to be on her back throughout the night, nearing the edge of the mattress as she tugged the covers back over herself, facing away from him.

Feeling the sinking of the mattress under his weight, she had shut her eyes while she 'watched' him preparing himself by the moves that he made until he was lying down in his side of the bed. An arm came over her, a move to wrap itself around her body. "Please don't." She allowed him to stay, yet it didn't mean that things had gone back to normal for them. "Just... not now, please."

Throughout the night though, she had regrets of not having his arms around her, for the covers could not provide enough warmth to soothe their restless child.

You guys... I didn't make her have a miscarriage, you people are a tad too excited XD

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