Breaking of Rhythm

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"I believe you all have heard of the news."

She had been standing outside of the meeting room, just right outside of the door, as she attempted to calm herself. This was the moment she had been waiting for, they all had been waiting for, and though she was sure that the Council had heard of it right after her arrival, she still had to officially declare it. She was to dispel of the rumors that had been plaguing her mind, of the doubtful whispers echoing in her ears, to lift another pressuring demand that came her way.

Yet her heart pound against her chest, loud should she listened enough, fingers wringing at her sides and brows knitting down into a frown. Facing her Council meant coming back to her reality, a start of her routine once again, and though she was reluctant to admit it, she truly appreciated the duty-free moment that came with her recent travels.

Kai watched her by the door, waiting for her signal as he witnessed himself of how the Queen fidgeted in her place with knowing eyes. He had worked for her Father during his time, and continued in his position during hers, he had watched her and Anna grew from merely children, he knew them.

Taking one last deep breath, she had nodded at his direction, watching the door swung opened declaring of her presence. She held her head high, eyes focused forward as she walked with confident steps. She did not show weakness in front of her Council, nor the nervousness she had suffered just a moment ago, would not let it become a weapon against herself later on.

When she lowered herself onto her seat at the head of the table and spoke, no one had answered right away.

They looked at her, stared at her and the smug attitude she presented their way, some even shifted in their own seats before Lord Melbourne had cleared his throat with a nod. "Yes, we have. And I, on behalf of these men, would like to congratulate you on your pregnancy, Your Majesty."

They did not wish to admit of their partake in doubting her, of agreeing to the rumors that she was unable to bear a child, did not even muster the smallest of apologies; but she supposed that was why she was the one ruling Arendelle, because she could see and take whatever it was thrown at her.

What she could not accept, however, was how they were quick in discussing the future of Arendelle through another betrothal, of how preferable it was if her child would be born as a son, a future King of Arendelle that would ensure that the bloodline ran for generations to come.

Honestly, her child was barely conceived and already its gender had been preferably discussed. "My child," her voice, although remaining calm and composed, carried through the room, silencing them as all eyes turned to her. "Will be the heir to the throne, no matter what it is born to be." Because Arendelle never had the royal decree that it's ruler had to be a male born. Yes, if her firstborn had been a daughter and the second a son, then he would most likely be the one to ascend to the throne, but she was barely bearing one at the moment, the thought of having another did not even cross her mind yet.

Knowing what she knew, none dared to argue her.

The fact that Corona royal family had known before the Council did had also rose a few disagreements, especially from the older members, but she had easily brushed it off as she did not intend on discovering her pregnancy when she was travelling in the first place, and such news being known by the hosting royals were the most plausible choice to make.

Considering the fact that they had been so demanding in her bearing an heir, so eager for this moment to come their way, the Council did not actually treated it as something to focus on, shifting their discussion into another topic without another glance. Perhaps it was due to how early it was, her stomach had not grew yet either, and perhaps they did not wish to be the one who has high hopes, for she could not deny the possibility that she would not carry this child to term was still hanging thickly in the air.

"We wish you and your child well, Your Majesty."

By the time that the Council had been dismissed, as scheduled for she did not need to end it earlier and lose any important information that they may have for her, she had found herself in need for some light snack before lunch. Gerda had told her that it was to be expected for her, it was better for her to eat little by little than forcing herself and ending with feeling bilious once again anyway, thus why she had told one of her ladies-in-waiting to bring her something from the kitchen as she made her way down to her study.

Dragging her quill across each parchment before her, she left traces of notes and signatures over each report, delivering her order and giving away her acceptance over each and every one of them. She had ruled for almost two years by now, her mind and body had come to a complete memory of what she needed to do, eyes reading over the various handwritings she received.

The repetitive rhythm had never bothered her before, she was comfortable with familiarity, prefer it if she was to remain in her comfort zone, but today her mind had disagree with her. After a few bites of the dried fruit that was provided for her, her eyes had felt rather heavy, mind starting to lose it's focus that her brows had furrowed as she found the need to reread the letter coming from England as her mind had failed to capture the main idea of what the neighboring Queen was trying to express.

Perhaps a little rest would not hurt, just shutting her eyes for a couple of minutes, letting her body gather bits of energy she may be lacking.

Placing her quill back into the ink bottle and clearing the surface of her desk just enough for her arms to lay and act as a cushion for her head, she had buried her face at the crook of her arm, bending her body forward as she let her eyes flutter.

Her sleep had been dreamless, nothing but a black forgettable void, leaving her mind at peace and away from the nightmares that often haunt her.

It was only when her shoulders were shaken that she had woken up.

"You could at least take the lounge." Hans' voice was latched with both bemusement and annoyance, his hand resting on her shoulder as his head tilted to meet her eyes, a small smile playing on his lips despite his attempt to look strict. "Does your back not ache?"

"I was merely resting for a few minutes." She was not going to say that yes, her back did hurt, because then he would only scold her further, and she was in no mood for an argument with her husband, not when she had barely woken up from her nap.

He was silent for a moment, eyes watching her closely, before he had nodded and straightened up, offering a hand for her to take. "You almost missed lunch, come, Anna is waiting already."

"Have I really slept that long?" She was certain that when she had shut her eyes, the day was nowhere near lunchtime, and she felt as if she had not been asleep for long, yet it had been proven to be false and could explain why her back had ached, she had stayed in the same position for too long. Good Gods, she had wasted hours sleeping when she could have finished her paperwork instead. Yes, she was advised to take it easy considering that stress would do nothing good for her in such condition, but she had barely done anything!

Hans' fingers came to hold her chin, tilting her head up to look at him, a gentle smile on his face as he brushed his thumb over her jawline. "Being exhausted is normal, darling." The patience that dripped from his voice gave a certain rush of calm over her as she got up from her seat. "My brothers' wives often take naps during their pregnancy too, it's just how your body adjust. It knows what it needs, Elsa, you just need to let it happen."

"But I think I really do need to consider having help from others."

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