The Pale Falling Rain

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I... am very busy. College work is insane, guys, everyday after class when I got home I did my assignment, no rest except sleep, so...

BUT I really need to write and that's why this thing is updated again. Though I think it's sloppy, I really can't afford rewriting this chapter from ground zero.

The shift on the mattress prompted her eyes to flutter open once again.

He laid on his back, with one arm draped over his eyes as he sighed tiredly, and suddenly she did not have the heart to scold him for coming so late in the night, and instead chose to simply roll over until she could feel his warmth against her, an arm reaching over his muscled torso, breathing out when she could feel his own arm moving to wrap itself around her figure, securing her in his embrace.

"Is everything alright?" He had left right after breakfast, down to the docks to oversee the new trades from Spain that had finally arrived after coming behind the intended schedule, something that rarely ever happened. Her Council had suggested for her to write a letter regarding the subject to Spain, to seek for the answer on why their ship had not yet docked in Arendelle, though she had refused to do so –for she did not wish to sound so demanding, yet she had to admit that it did drive her feeling quite anxious, with questions and assumptions gnawing on her mind of the possibilities of what could possibly happened out there.

He was silent, if only for a moment, in which she could feel his hold on her tightened just ever so slightly. "They encountered some minor problems and had to reroute." His answer came in a murmur, a tired one. "I've taken care of it; you don't have to worry yourself."

On other occasions she would ask for a further explanation on the subject, no matter how minor it may be, for everything should have be reported back to her, yet she knew both of them were too tired to even talk about it any further, exhausted to ponder on what may or may not have happened in details, and if he believed it to be nothing worth to directly have her hands in it then she would let him do however he found to be best.

It was one step closer into sharing her power over Arendelle after all.

She had been slowly building on that, of the trust that she had little by little given to him to handle, to let both of them to learn; him with his responsibilities for the kingdom beyond what she had originally let him to attend, and her with letting him do it without having herself fell into the endless thoughts that he couldn't, to not stress over things in his hands and give herself the relief Anna had told her she desperately needed.

Settling deeper into his embrace, she let her eyes to flutter back shut, letting the warmth of his body to bring her back into the land of dreams that she had abandoned earlier at the time of his arrival to their bedchamber.

By the time that her eyes had opened again, it was the morning light that had welcomed her.

Peeking just past the curtains that had been drawn over the windows the night before, in small streaks of light that coincidentally came to hit her right on her face that made her let out a quiet groan as her hand moved to prevent it from blinding her in such early time of the day.

An arm weighted her down by the abdomen, it's mere presence was enough to prompt the corners of her lips to tug into a smile, for he was there, with her, still soundly asleep and not up and awake somewhere before anyone could even tell where he had went. Even the smallest of things such as that could easily please her lately.

"Darling," her whisper was quiet, gentle with a tease of flirt as she rolled over, settling herself comfortably over him, bodies pressing together as her fingers ghosted over his jaw, sending slivers of cold enough to rose him.

It did not take long for his green eyes to peek from under his eyelids as he attempted to blink away his sleep, his own lips tugged into a smile of his own as he had realized he was waking up with her as the first thing he laid his eyes on. "Well, good morning to you too." Already she felt his hand moved against her hip, fingers curling to hold onto the soft skin underneath just as she leaned to press her lips against his. "I seem to have a new favorite way to wake up in the morning."

"That you do indeed." She chuckled, voice ringing through the still dim bedchamber as the curtains had not yet being drawn back to let the light to fully come through.

There was no need for another word to be spoken between them, as lips already found each other, tongues involved in a dance they both knew well. She missed this, the closeness and the shiver that ran down her spine from his touches, and she could feel the urgency in their kiss, hands moving quickly to relief themselves before-

"Your Majesty," the voice at the other side of the door was cautious, following the knock against the wooden, and her shoulders had tensed in respond to the sudden disturbance. "Are you awake, Your Majesty?"

Unable to resist the audible sigh that came from her lips, she had pressed her forehead against Hans' bare chest, blowing a puff of cold air in annoyance as she moved to get off of him for there was no way they would be able to continue anytime soon then. "Yes, I am awake."

Warm fingers wrapped around her wrist just as she was about to leave the bed, tugging her back until the auburn haired Prince had his lips merely inches away from her ear, not minding the ladies-in-waiting that had made their way into the bedchamber to prepare the Queen for the day. "We can continue later."

And if they were alone she would have let out a laugh, one that was loose and could express the amusement that bubbled within her from how much of a flirt her husband could be, alas she had only rolled her eyes as she gave him one last light kiss on his lips.

"I will hold you to that."


There was no 'later'.

Only the whispers that had the tips of her ears turning red as she felt the heat that bubbled up inside of her. It was not loud, but often enough that it reached her, eventually, no matter how secretive it had passed around the servants and her Council men.

That the Queen was unable to bear a child.

Speculations that circled around the subject was mostly due to her magical power over ice and snow, that it somehow had prevented her from ever giving Arendelle an heir, that the Queen had truly been barren.

She wanted to do nothing but scream.

Because if it was true then it was so unfair, for Fate to be so cruel on her, to demand her to face obstacles that no one else had to. She had been isolated, all by herself, for years because she possessed the ability to harm people, even those she loved, if she had not control herself, such burden had weighted down on her shoulders ever since she was young; and now it could also be the reason on why perhaps she would never bear a child for her husband?

Eyes stinging with the tears that threatened to fall, her fingers could not even hold the feather quill steady enough to sign the paper before her that she had to drop it as her lips trembled, she ran her hands through her hair, pulled tightly into a bun, as her teeth had bitten down against her bottom lip in a poor attempt to prevent herself from breaking down.

She missed lunch and dinner, had them sent up to her study instead, which she had accepted once she had made sure that she looked presentable and did not show any of the feeling that had thrown her whole focus for the day into a wrecked mess, claiming that she had papers that need to overlook the second time.

And when she had retire to her bedchamber, finding it thankfully empty as Hans had not yet returned from his own duties, she had her ladies-in-waiting did a quick work in peeling the dress she had worn and changing her into her nightgown before she had climb into bed.

This time however, when Hans had joined her, she had remained asleep with traces of fallen tears on her pillow.

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