Early Ailment

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Her stomach clenched as she hurled her dinner back up.

So badly that it may have been one of the reasons why her head had suddenly felt so light, how gravity seemed to be pulling her down onto the earth as her vision had started to darkened at the corners while her stomach twisted once again and her nails could almost dig into the wooden surface of the bucket she had used. Her whole dignity as Queen was at stake too, for should anyone other than her family and ladies-in-waiting to see her in such position –sitting on the cold floor as her body hunched forward while she made such terrible noises, to appear so weak would have been a disaster.

And yet in the middle of all of this, she had almost laughed.

For the way her mind had driven itself toward how people would judge her, how they would see her and took pity of her in such condition that she had no control in, was rather pathetic, really. She had told herself, as well as her dearest husband, numerous of times that she should not fall into the dark abyss of self-worth in public's eyes, to not let people control her life and push her to the back of her own mind, and yet it was that very own mind that had been so used in such treatment that had betrayed her, and it was beginning to be rather frustrating.

"Your Majesty," the thick concern in Gerda's voice behind her was clear to anyone's ears, as the Governess awaited for the Queen who apparently was unable to shake off the sea-sickness even when she was already standing on steady ground. "Should I request for a doctor to be fetched?"

"No, Gerda, that wouldn't be necessary." Mumbling more than actually speaking, she was unsure whether the lady had heard her or not, but nonetheless she was not repeating herself. Besides, the lack of sound of her being left alone was an answer enough that she was heard.

The rest of the trip had gone smoothly, even throughout the night she did not feel queasy, had slept peacefully in Hans' arms –who thankfully had bathed first before he had climbed onto the bed to join her per her own request, and she had stood at the deck to see Corona rising up the horizon with her sister, had watched as Hans brought Nordlys to dock and have the men unloaded their baggage just as the royal family aboard the awaiting carriage.

"King Frederic, Queen Arianna." The welcome had been simple, as only the King and Queen of the kingdom awaited for them by the entrance of the castle, and while Anna and Hans had lowered themselves into a curtsied and a bow respectively as soon as they were off the carriage, she herself had stepped forward with a respectful nod of her head as she approached them.

It was uncommon for the King and Queen to greet their guests the moment they arrived, but since the King was her Father's close friend, it seemed that the generous hospitality had been inherited down to her and to her family.

"Should I announce that you would not return to join dinner, Your Majesty?"

Dinner had went well, the first half of it, anyway. Perhaps it was something that she had eaten or perhaps her stomach was still sensitive and the sudden fill of food had triggered it into twisting, but whatever it was had prompted her to press the tips of her hand against her lips as she first felt the sour taste in her mouth, when it didn't go away she was prompted to stand from her seat, turning heads as she did so.

Even excusing herself had proven to be a struggle as she tried to keep everything down, but as soon as she turned and exited to the hallways, she could hear Gerda's following footsteps behind her.

"I'm bilious, quickly."

The thought of coming back and to face the questions that was sure to arise from those around the dining table did not sit right with her at the moment, especially since she would have to eat again and risk repeating this all over again, thus why even when she really did not wish to be rude to Corona's royal family, she really had no other choice.

"Yes please, I would like to retire back to my bedchamber for the night."


"They did not mind."

Blue eyes leisurely watching as the auburn haired man undo the buttons of his shirt, there had been a pleased hum that came from her as she laid on her side, the sheet only pulled up to waist. He had return not long after she presumed Gerda had announced her discontinue of dinner –after she had her ladies-in-waiting coming to prepare her for bed, and the first question that had come from her was of course on how people had reacted to her sudden departure and continued absence.

"Queen Arianna did suggest a doctor to check you, but Gerda said you've refused already." His head turned to look at her over his shoulder, with eyes narrowed and brows knitted. "You're stubborn."

"I don't wish to make a fuss." Farther than being sick in the middle of dinner, anyway. The whole situation had actually felt rather... familiar. "The sea-sickness probably lingers. Should I take more raw ginger?"

His head shook as he approached the bed, rounding it to his side of the bed as she adjusted herself to face him. "Do not overdo it." Lying down, he tugged the covers over himself, all the way up to his chest before his hand rest comfortably on her hip. "The mint tea is still agreeable though."

That reminded her of the afternoon tea that she would have to attend with her younger sister to join Queen Arianna and Rapunzel in the royal garden, the invitation had been directed by the older woman herself as they conversed while making their way into the castle. Anna had been more than excited in the idea, as one would expect, already her and Corona's Crown Princess seemed to find themselves weaving a good friendship.

"I'll keep that in mind, then."

Pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead, Hans had pulled her into his warm embrace as she let her own body relaxed into sleep, listening to his breathing as her eyes had fluttered close. Yet it was somewhere after midnight when she had been rudely awaken by the burning sensation that had come from within, providing discomfort as she felt disgustingly sweaty.

She was... hot.

She could not recall when was the last time she ever felt such thing, having magical ice powers did come with it's perks, her body temperature had been one of them. The cold had never bothered her, had been welcomed by her body as it was a part of her, something she was familiar with. She did not expect that heat would be the one that troubled her the most now.

Peeling the covers off her, she had scowled at the sight of her husband's arm across her stomach, weighted her down as it became one of the primary sources of the hotness that she was feeling. Removing his arm away from her as her legs had kicked covers completely off her, she had moved to scoot to the end of the bed, lying on her side with a sigh.

The heat was still uncomfortable for her, but bearable, she supposed.

Never in her life would she ever complain over someone else's kingdom, it was disrespectful in her mind and she certainly did not want someone to complain over Arendelle, but she could not help it this time. Because things hadn't been exactly going the way she wanted to, the way she was comfortable with.

She wanted to go home already.

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