One Step Closer

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Set aside your ego, for once.

Easier said than done, if she must admit, as she stood just right outside the door leading into the library. She had dismissed of her ladies-in-waiting for this occasion, knowing fully well that she would need as much privacy as she could possibly have for what she was about to face. Hans was inside, she knew this as much, for once he had not gone to attend to whatever it was that had been robbing his attention away from her.

Anna had been the one who told her, who reminded her, of how important communication between married couples were, how it was supposedly be the foundation of the family they wished to build, and she was not wrong. Truly, for a young unwedded Princess, her sister had surprisingly good advice to give.

The difference had been so clear to her, how familiar it had felt, reminding her of the early months of her marriage where she and Hans had barely spoken to each other –it had been her fault most of the time, with a rift of caution and stranger feeling that she had created. Yet now both of them were to blame, both too secretive toward each other, too many times kept by themselves that it had grew them apart once more.

It both remained acting so stubborn, none would find the light at the end of the tunnel.

Thus why she had pushed the door opened and enter then, blue eyes instantly scanning around the area until they settled on the man sitting by the window, a book in hand as his own eyes looked over each word written on the pages, finger turning the paper every once in a while once he had reached the end of the last paragraph. "Hans."

His eyes snapped up, over the leather-bound book he had in his hand, seemingly surprised to find his wife had joined him, as the door had not creak when it was moved earlier, light pouring in and illuminating her shadow onto the floor. "Elsa," still he greeted her, with that smile that he often had on his face for her, an invitation to join him as the book slammed shut in his grasp. "To what do I owe the honor?"

Letting the door to swing close by itself as her hand slipped off the wooden, she made her way toward him, settling herself on the chair beside his own, one leg crossing over the other as she shifted to properly face him. "We need to talk."

"Aren't we doing that now?"

Remain calm. She repeated her sister's word in her mind as she pursed her lips at his comment. He was not taking this in a way she needed him to. "I'm serious." The deadpan in her voice must have given him a warning alert as he straightened the way he sit, presenting himself properly before her. "We have been... distant." There was no pointing fingers at each other, two was needed to do this Tango; she could not drive him away even before anything started. "You have been busy and so have I, and it's keeping us apart. I don't like it."

She couldn't apologize for doing what she was responsible to do, her title as Queen had brought so many for her to shoulder, and as much as her own ego had wished that he would apologize to her over his own change, she reminded herself not to demand that of him.

"What would you like me to do then?" She needed him to help her, which he had been doing perfectly well by handling some parts of her work that required overseeing outside of the castle as she still was not much of a person that enjoyed the crowd, and it was exactly what bothered her: his constant absence in the castle.

So what she wanted him to do, exactly?

What she wanted for them?

Perhaps he had sensed for her uncertainty, of her inability to decide on what exactly she wished to speak to him and it what manner, for he had gotten up from his seat and made the short way toward her, kneeling by her side as his hand took hers, fingers intertwining as she watched. "Tell me, my Queen, and I shall deliver to you."

She could not deny him, could not escape from his charms and the way he looked at her, the way he delivered his words that had left her with fluttering heart every time.

She couldn't remember why she had been so angry at him.

Not when she had leaned down, pulled by the magnetic force of him, lips tasting each other as he stumbled backward and yet supporting both of their weights as he sat on the carpeted floor, unable to move for her legs had trapped him in between, though from the way that he held her, the way his own lips moved against hers, the way his body responded to her, he was not planning on going.

At this moment, it was he who she wanted. She missed her husband, missed how close they were and how in sync they could be; missed the feeling of warmth that spread through her body as he held her, the taste of his lips against hers and her skin.

The words of her sister had slipped back into her mind, an offer once declined was now turned into such brilliant idea that she questioned herself on why she had hesitated back then in considering it.

After all, she deserved this, didn't she?


It felt so familiar, and yet so different.

The warmth that of her sister enveloped her in a tight hug as the Princess smiled and whispered of her to enjoy the break she desperately needed was gladly welcomed as her own arms came to wrap around the younger sister, thanking her for such kind words and her willingness to handle the kingdom for a little while.

"Don't eat too much chocolate," she reminded her as her index finger came in contact with her sister's nose that wrinkled from both the reminder and the natural chill that came from her skin. "I will not hear that Arendelle had suddenly lost it's supply of sweets during my absence."

The rolling of turquoise eyes had been one that was light-mannered as Anna looked at her older sister, a mimic of hurt in her expression as her hand came to rest against her chest. "Such distrust, Elsa, I'm beyond words." Her lips wavered however, and soon was replaced with a grin she could no longer contain. "Do not worry about anything, Elsa, let yourself go."

Hans' fingers came to intertwined themselves with hers after she had properly bid her sister farewell, holding tight as he led her toward their carriage and assisting her as she climbed aboard before he had moved to join her, the door shutting behind him after he was settled down by her side.

With Anna waving behind them, the carriage jolted forward to begin their journey.

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