Pour Your Heart Out

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The first half of this chapter had been written in advance, long before I even started chapter 4, I think.

Also, bumping the rating up.

Never once did she ever felt quite like this.

Her heart raced against her chest as she stood on the dark stones, towering over the man who had went ahead and took a dip into the steaming water. The hot spring was well-hidden between the trees, just like the house had been, yet still there was the smallest of chance that someone could come across and accidentally see them there. Yet at the same time, the suspense, the thought of secrecy and trying to sneak and hide around, it all... excite her.

Besides, Hans had promised her that the water was not so deep, and even so, if she ever felt anxious then he was there to hold her, to make sure her head did not stay below the surface for far too long, and there was nothing that could make her turn and leave now.

Dainty fingers worked on the buttons of her summer dress, situated at the front and coming from her chest and down to her abdomen, allowing easier access for her to undress, and never once did his eyes ever left her, following where her hands went down until the air brushed against her bare skin.

Shrugging her dress off, one shoulder at a time, she left the fabric fell onto the ground around her ankles as she stood bare in front of her husband. The lump in her throat was swallowed as she moved to step into the water, feeling the heat against her skin as her body slowly submerged deeper past the surface, and Hans moved forward to place his hands at either side of her waist to keep her safe, pulling her into his embrace as their chests pressed against each other.

"The water's nice, isn't it?" The smile on his face was the same one he often wore around her, one that she had fallen in love with and would forever able to make herself feel so at ease for as long as he smiled that way then everything was going to be alright.

"And not too deep." She had repeated what he had told her with a nod of approval, for the waterline had been below her shoulders, hiding her bare chest from prying eyes but not from his sharp ones, and not that she was trying to hide anything from him anyway. "I could not believe we are back here in Ánslo and the first thing that you suggested was to take a dip in the hot spring."

His lips ghosted over the skin of her neck, right above where her vein pulsed, and even without looking she could feel the smile that graced his face. "I have been waiting for this moment, ever since our honeymoon." With his hands tugging her even closer, the flush of their bare bodies together prompted her to chew on her bottom lip. He was so eager, and with everything that had been going on between them and against them back in Arendelle, both deserved to unwind for a little while, as suggested by her dearest sister.

The heel of her foot brushed against the back of his calf as she moved to tease him underwater, and by looking up at him through her thick lashes and giving such suggestive smile his way, it had not taken his lips long to meet hers in a feverish kiss, deep and passionate that drove her sucking up a breath as his fingers roamed the skin of her body, over her every curve as her fingers ran through his auburn hair, damped from the rising steam that surrounded them.

She had never done something like this before.

Lingering kisses and teasing as they sat together in the bath had always led into them bringing it further in their large bed, or any dry place should they could not contain their own desires; to do such thing while still completely submerged in the water was something new and unknown for her.

Her powers were at bay, her practice and self-training had paid off nicely, and the heated water kept her body hot enough until she could barely feel the usual swirling of coldness that danced under her skin. Besides, the fear of freezing the both of them in the spring was currently at the furthest back of her mind.

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