Two Queens

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Wilhelm Andreas Westergaard.

They had always wanted to name their child after Anna, considering that she was the Queen's dearest sister and had always been Arendelle's cherished Princess with her huge heart that welcomed anyone and offer comfort and love no matter who or where they came from. Her kindness and humble self was one of the many things that the platinum blonde haired Queen always wanted for her child to have. Though now, considering that he was born as a boy and the name did not fit quite nicely, they had to improvise a little.

When they were little, she and Anna had once played pretend, posing as Princes to make fun of the Lords and Dukes over their antics as they present themselves before the King and Queen. The act had successfully made their parents laugh, with them even pulling their hairs back to make them appear shorter and when Anna had drawn on a funny moustache on her own face once. Playing pretend was not fun without actual names, and so they had become Prince Elias and Prince Andrew, respectively.

To say that the Princess was overflowing with joy when she noticed the mix between the two names for the young Prince's middle name would be an understatement.

The baptism was held a few days after Wilhelm's birth.

They had waited until the Queen was fit and strong enough to attend the whole ceremony, for the hard labor had bedridden her, leaving her with strength just enough to move when the servants made quick work of changing the sheets and cleaning everything before she returned to lie back down on it with a new clean nightgown, body aching all over that even standing up was such a strain for her. But she was already content with cuddling her son, unable to have him out of her sight that even when she took a long deserving nap she had her arm securely around him, not letting him to sleep in the bassinet that was brought into the bedchamber.

And she had also dismissed of the wet nurse.

She had never plan on having her son to feed from someone else, though it was very common and often viewed as a tradition for royal mothers –especially Queens, to not feed their own children. Other Queens would already have chosen the wet nurse for their child before the labor, determining whether they fit for the role and was free of any sort of disease that could endanger the newborn. She had never chosen anyone, as she believed that the safest way to care for her son was for her to feed him herself, as she would be the one to watch what she ate and know of her body condition. Despite that, it seemed that her Council had made the choice themselves, as a young woman had walked into the Queen's bedchamber, ready to feed the Crown Prince, before the platinum blonde haired Queen had gently tell her no.

Besides, how could she ever miss the sight of little Wilhelm suckling so hungrily, tiny fist curled against the fair skin of his Mother's breast, eyes fluttering every once in a while and even opened for a short amount of time to stare up back at her. Babies tend to be born with blue eyes, though Hans had expressed his own delight should their son inherit her clear blue eyes, as it seemed he had inherited his hair, as he had been born with a small tuft of auburn on top of his head.

He didn't even leave her embrace during the ball afterwards, huddled up against his Mother's chest as she greeted the royal guests that had come to pay their respect for the birth of the new Crown Prince, sleeping rather peacefully. The Corona royal family had come too, with Marlene perched up against her Mother's hip, hiding her face shyly against Rapunzel's neck when the Queen of Arendelle had approach to welcome her with a smile, brunette hair already growing long and thick as it framed her gleaming green eyes.


His body turned frigid by her side as both royals stood at one side of the ballroom -having just conversed with the Duke of Spain, shoulders visibly tensing and jaw tightened as she watched the change of air around her husband's figure from the corner of her eyes. The weight of their newborn son in her embrace prevent her from reaching up to touch his arm before both wordless turned their bodies around, meeting the gaze of the older lady that had called for his name.

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