No One Defies the Queen

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She could not sit still.

Despite the doctor's advice for her to rest for the whole day, she had come down from her bedchambers, dress far simpler than what she used in wearing, lighter and more comfortable while still attaining the proper regality that the Queen should possess. She had scowled when she had woken up to find that her breakfast had been brought up to her room, such unnecessary gesture yet she didn't speak much of it, knowing that her ladies-in-waiting were merely following orders.

She had been informed that the ice that had come from yesterday's outburst had been cleaned up by the servants, for she was not even allowed to flick her wrist to dismiss of it, and some of her paperwork had suffered through minor damages from the melting ice, but she was told not to worry over it.

Besides, her study was not where she was headed for.

She may not be as rebellious as Anna could be should she wished to, yet there was still a spark of disagreement that came within her over the fact that she was not allowed to do anything. Treating her like a helpless china doll had done nothing but raise her desire to smash.

"Gentlemen," her head had been raised high when Kai had opened the door for her, announcing her presence at those standing around the table and overlooking the map that had been laid over it's surface. It was already scheduled that a meeting over what actions had to be taken regarding the looming pirates would take place today, and although her Council had accepted the reason behind the large possibility that she could not attend, she personally feel that she should not miss it.

"Elsa, what are you doing here?" The auburn haired Prince had come approaching her, meeting her halfway and yet could not stop her from making her way toward the table. "You are not supposed to attend."

"This is my kingdom." Her hands were pressed against the surface of the map as she leaned forward to overlook it, to see where Arendelle was and where the ship model for the pirates was placed, too close for her liking. "You do still need my permission to take action."

Reluctantly, Hans had nodded as he came to stand by her side, creating a small distance between the two, and she noticed how his hand did not even try to touch the small of her back. He was threading carefully with how much personal space that she wanted, and strangely enough she could not decide on how she should feel about it. She appreciated it, but the missing casual touches between them felt odd.

Continuing with meeting, she listened closely of how they had predicted the route that the pirates had taken based on the reports of sighting along the kingdom's borders. They were coming near their waters indeed, situated between Arendelle and the Southern Isles. The thought that they may be bold enough to pillage and plunder either kingdoms was what they concerned the most.

"We should send a letter to the Southern Isles." They were neighboring after all, close allies considering the marriage between the Queen and the youngest Prince, and if anything should happen, if it ever come to the worst, then both kingdoms must be at ready to face it together.

"Don't bother." Hans had responded, rather bitterly, eyes narrowing. "The Southern Isles' navy could handle pirates with no trouble."

Her brows furrowed at this, at how hostile her husband was against his own kingdom and family. He had even expressed a certain reluctance when she had told him that they must write a letter his family regarding the conceiving of their child months ago, scowling when she had received the congratulating gifts sent back their way. "Hans, it's a must. We still have to send aid to them no matter what." Because then if they needed help then the other kingdom would do the same.

It was his turn to furrow his brows as he turned to look at her, but once again he did not make a move to speak against her. There had been something that occurred to him after her incident, perhaps involving her sister seeing that they had somehow exchanged looks once or twice last night, and she would have to find out what.

"And the course of action that we are to take, Your Majesty?"

"I will go." Hans had cut in before she could even muster a word to respond to the Captain of the guard, not even throwing a glance at her. "Our navy will guard the waters and be ready should it come to a fight. I will lead them."

"Wait, what? No!" How could he even have decided on such course of action already without the slightest of discussion with her, as Queen and as his wife? Had he really, truly, thrown himself into the line of fire, knowing fully well that he would leave her and their unborn child behind and worrying him for every second that he was away? "You will not go."

"Elsa, I'm an Admiral, I can lead the navy the same way that I have been leading the Southern Isles'." Oh there it was then, the argumentative side of him that had been strangely missing earlier, hiding and waiting for this one moment. "Be reasonable."

"I am." She turned her body entirely to him, one hand leaning against the table as the other rested on the crest of her belly. "Arendelle has it's own Admiral, Hans, the husband of the Queen does not have to participate directly into a matter regarding pirates."

Green eyes narrowed in a challenging manner at her direction, the Queen and Prince Consort were engaged in a moment of silent staring battle, daring one another to speak up, before his mouth had opened. "Tell me, Sir Martinus," his head turned to regard the official Admiral of the kingdom, and the man had straightened up at the sudden call. "How many pirates have you faced before?"

"I..." glancing at the Queen, who's brows had furrowed as she too had turned to await for his answer, he had gulped before turning back to the auburn haired man. "None, Your Highness. Arendelle is a peaceful kingdom, we have never faced such threat before, at least not during my time."

The smugness coming from Hans could be seen by bare eyes as he turned with a winning smile at his wife while she, on the other hand, had to resist the urge to glare at Sir Martinus, for he had only spoken the truth, no matter how it had gone against her wish. "I sunk five ships during my time with the Southern Isles' navy. I go."

"No." Catching the look of how his expression fell after her short answer as she had turned around, she had ignored his call of her name and the stares of disbelief that was thrown at her way by the men that had just witnessed their argument. She didn't wish to argue further, to strain herself all over again, and there will be further discussions that she had to attend later, yes, but for now she was to cool herself down, and to give Hans to think over what he had basically decided for them.

Besides, no one can defy the Queen.

A fellow Helsa shipper once pointed out one of Helsa fanfics' 'flaw's, which is the plot where Elsa had Hans brought back to Arendelle to be her Admiral and such, while surely Arendelle would have an Admiral of it's own, right? It got me thinking, "Well, yeah, that's kinda true". So that's why I threw that bit with Sir Martinus there ;)

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