A Woman with a Crown

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"You are overworking yourself again."

The words spoken at her direction had been nothing but a passing wind as the feather quill in her hand remained moving across the paper before her, leaving dark cursive lettering as it's trail while her blue eyes remained transfixed on it along with her concentration, lips moving in the slightest of movement as she dictated herself on what she wished to write.

Clearly, such ignorant act did not spark any sort of joy in her younger sister's mind as the Princess' hands both came to press against the mahogany surface of her desk, as she leaned over it until their heads were mere inches away that should she did a sudden jerking of her head then the sisters would certainly collide. "Elsa," the warning tone did make her hand paused, if only for a moment, before it continue it's rhythm. "You were not present during dinner."

"I'm busy." Was her short reply as her had not yet looked up at her sister, unwilling to stop the train of thought of the wordings she had composed so well in her head, she had also could not let herself see Anna's face, knowing fully well of what was coming for her should she did. "Please, I need to finish this so it can be delivered tomorrow morning."

Yet still those pair of hands did not leave her desk, although out of the corner of her eyes she could see Anna did leaned back to at least give her older sister some breathing space. "You promised."

Her brows furrowed then, as she had never explicitly promised to Anna over anything regarding her work as Queen, although she did make a promise to somebody else. "Hans sent you, didn't he?" Finally looking up, she let her quill slipped into the ink bottle nearby, just to avoid any dripping ink that would ruin her work. The Princess' jaw tightened then, silent, before she slowly nodded her head.

With her toughened look crumbling down along with her older sister's discovery of the truth, it seemed that the strawberry blonde haired Princess had opted for a much different option as her eyes shifted. "He would have come himself," she reasoned, defending her brother in-law from the annoyance that was clear in the Queen's eyes. "But he had some unfinished business he had to attend to."

"Unfinished business?" The scoff that had laced in her voice had not been intended, but she could not help herself. "He gets to attend to his 'unfinished business' but I am not allowed to work on my duty? Tell me, dear sister, why is that?"

"He's worried, we both do." This time, the platinum blonde Queen had enough self-control to not snort as she leaned back against her chair, arms coming to cross over her chest as she looked at her sister, of how ridiculous the mindset of worrying about her was. "Elsa, you haven't exactly been yourself these past weeks."

"I am not-"

"Don't deny it." Anna's way of cutting her off was surprising enough, for no one would cut off the Queen, especially when her eyes had narrowed as she mirrored the older sister's act of crossing her arms over her chest. "Yes, it's not the first time that you missed lunch or dinner, but... you seemed detached now. You barely talk to Hans, let alone talking to me, and it's worrying us. Don't shut us out again, Elsa."

She wanted to sneer then, to question of who had exactly been shutting themselves away, her or him, but she was not supposed to be angry at Anna, she had nothing to do with the drift that has unknowingly appeared in her marriage, the one marriage that she had thought would gone as smoothly as what fairy tales ending was like, she could not treat her younger sister as the sacrificial lamb to her anger toward her husband.

Instead she had sighed, shoulders relaxing from the tension they were in as she looked at Anna properly, without the red of emotions that was not meant for her. "I'm sorry, Anna, there has been so much on my mind lately that I didn't realize of how I acted."

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