The Queen's Loves

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She never knew that Hans' hands could be so... magical.

Working in her study had felt a little too cooped up for her lately, the repetitive view and environment making her brows furrowed, and she had moved up to the library instead, with Hans offering his company to her as he had done his duty down by the docks earlier than expected, which she truly appreciated in exchange of her ladies-in-waiting that she dismissed for the moment, wishing to spend time with her husband without much interruption.

Most of the time, comfortable silence surrounded them.

Hans would sit nearby, reading a book while she worked, offering bits and pieces of advice when she had voiced the troubles that she had come to face with, such as how to deal with Weselton's pressing letters over the fact that –thanks to their Duke's unpleasant treatment to her during the reveal of her magic, their trading relation had been severed. They were extremely reluctant in apologizing, always weaving their words into telling her to let go of the subject, and it had only irritated her further.

Knowing him, she should not have been surprised when he had noticed her silent troubles too, keen eyes had watched her stretching her back and adjusting her posture every now and then as her muscles stretch with the growth of their child, of how she ran her chilled hands over her back to try and soothe the ache.

"Come, sit here with me." He had scooted over to make room on the lounge he was on, patting down the cushion toward her direction, and although he had been unclear on his invitation, she had rose from her seat to approach him, already opening her mouth to question his intention yet he simply move her to sit sideways.

Feeling the firm press against the lower side of her back, she had hummed out her clear pleasure over the treatment as both sat on the lounge inside the library, bathing under the warm sunlight that came through and surrounded by the papers she had brought along with her, smoothing out the tensed muscles under his touch.

"Feeling better?" His chuckle was laced with amusement as he kept massaging her aching back, only receiving a nod as her eyes fluttered close while her lower lip came between the rows of her teeth, urging him to keep going as she released the tension that had affect not only her mind but her body as well.

"How did you learn to do this?"

"Well," his hands had moved to her shoulders by now, and his lips brushed against her ear as he whispered close. "When you are the thirteenth Prince of a kingdom, you ought to learn many things in your spare time."

Or perhaps it was his gift, either way she was thankful for it.

Feeling his hands travelling downwards, finding themselves resting against the curve of her belly, she let herself leaned back against him, head on his shoulder just as he pressed a kiss on her cheek. "I have to go back to work." Her sigh had been half-hearted, lips pursued as his fingers ran over her stomach, only separated by the cloth of her dress, marveling at the shape that had grew as she let her eyes closed. His respond had been a mere hum as he too enjoyed the closeness between the two of them, of how the warmth of his body and the coldness of hers could work so perfectly, so in sync.

With the loss of her need to throw up, came her other needs.

Twisting her body to face her husband in the lounge, her lips came to capture his as her hand ran through his auburn hair, curling the strands around her slender fingers as she came to taste his tongue, letting it dance with hers as his hands ran over the sides of her body, eager fingers trying to find an opening through her dress. One hand came to cup around her breast -grasping, sending a jolt of pain that had her pulling away from him.

"My breasts had been tender lately." She explained as she took his hand in hers, leading it down to rest on her waist instead. Their eyes never failed to meet, never advert away from each other, comfortable in the presence of the other. And he had nodded before bringing their lips to meet once again, feeling herself gradually leaning back until her back met with the cushion beneath.

She had not been wearing any corset, had grown too big for it to be laced up without the fear of suffocating herself, and this fact had been closely known by Hans, whose hands had started to push down the dress off her shoulders, lips following the path of the revealed skin while she busied herself in tugging off the jacket that he wore.

"Elsa?" A knock on the door echoed through the library, and her eyes -once closed, had snapped opened as she lifted herself to sit up against her elbows in alarm, one hand on Hans' chest to halt him from moving. "Elsa, are you in there?"

"In a minute!" Scrambling up, as she knew that they were not supposed to be in such position in the library, her hands fumbled with fixing her dress in place, ears catching the sound of the knob starting to turn. "Anna, don't open the door!"

She could imagine her sister's pausing, hand still on the knob, with a frown on her face. "Why not?"

"Just don't!" Avoiding herself from tripping over the books and papers that littered the floor, she made her way toward the door, taking a deep breath to slow the beat of her heart as she opened it, finding the Princess standing at the other side with a raised eyebrow. "Yes, Anna?"

"What are you doing?"


Anna's body leaned sideways in her attempt to peer into the library past the older sister who stood right at the doorway, blocking most of the view inside, before she turned her attention back with a light furrow of her brows. "You look a little flustered for someone who had been working."

"Anna, is there something you need?"

Seemingly remembering her initial intention in coming to face her sister, the Princess' suspicion had disappeared so quickly over her face. "The cooks are wondering if you have any preference for dinner." When asked of how she had come with such question, considering that Anna was a princess and no one should ask her favors such as this, she had only shrugged. "I met Gerda on her way to you, so I figured I would help out."

If she had the chance to wish upon a star or a genie coming from a magic lamp then she would wish to be at least half as humble as her younger sister. The fact that Anna could see past ranks and social status, to make everyone feel welcomed and equal in her eyes, always brought a smile on her face. "I want chicken, please."

"I'll tell the cooks then." Anna leaned forward, lips pressing a loving kiss on her cheek that had been completely taken her aback, with a smile. She had turned and started to walk away, only to stop and turn her head to look over her shoulder. "Also, don't forget to lock the doors when you and Hans wish to be alone, Elsa. You might be too 'busy' to hear the knocking next time."

The wink and the mischievous grin that the younger sister had thrown her way had successfully made heat rose onto her face in embarrassment that the Queen had been left gaping without words while she made her escape, running away and turning down the halls with a laugh that was loud enough for people to hear.

Calling after her, either to scold her over her tease or the fact that she still ran through halls she could not decide, would be fruitless as Anna's sound of footsteps and laugh had faded away, thus why she had simply turned around and re-enter the library, shutting the doors behind her, only to find her husband struggling to contain his own laughter as he sat on the lounge, all dressed as if he always been, even his hair was not as tousled as she had left it earlier.

"Don't start." It had come as a warning even before he had a chance to speak, blue eyes narrowing at him as she made her way to sit back down at the desk instead of joining him. "I need to work."

It was more of a reminder to herself than it was to him, if she had to be honest with herself.

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