A Shared Burden

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So... Frozen II and a possible sequel to this. I have not quite get any idea of how to weave them together, I have random thoughts but no exact possible content, but I'll keep you guys updated.

He was growing faster than she would have liked.

Seeing him grow made her heart fluttered with a sense of pride of how well she had raised him, of how she felt she had managed to be a proper mother, even when it had only been three months of it. Wilhelm was entirely loved and adored by everyone in the castle, even her Council could not help the smile that grew on their faces when she had walked passed them with the boy in her arms that now seemed to enjoy grabbing the end of her braid and trying -and failing, to put it in his little mouth. It was one of the reasons that she had been keeping her hair in one thick braid instead of pulling them into a bun, to see how Wilhelm struggled and scowled at the prospect of failing to eat his mother's hair was a hilarious feat she often involve herself in.

Hans loved to bring him into her study, when she was clearly busy with paperwork, acting as if he had no intention in prying her off her duty for a while when at the same time he knew exactly how, cooing their son and speaking to him of how busy she was that she couldn't play with little boy, which always made her roll her eyes and set her quill down. Because God, she couldn't resist those wide blue eyes that Wilhelm had staring at her from his father's arms. And so, she would fell into her husband's wicked scheme each time.

Wilhelm loved playing on the thick carpets all around the castle -it was why she made sure that the servants cleaned them regularly, lying on his stomach, hands had started to grab the plush toys she and Hans leave in his reach, and still with all his attempt to put anything and everything into his mouth.

"He's going to be such a foodie." Anna mused one day, as she had laid on the ground by her nephew's side, prying the rattle away from his lips for what seemed to be the hundredth time that day. "Sneaking off into the kitchen, climbing the counters to reach the top shelves-"

"Like his aunt, basically." She commented with a hint of amusement as she continued on working at her desk, once in a while glancing up to see what her son and her sister was doing. It caused Anna to stick her tongue out at her direction. "I'm only telling the truth, Anna." If asked of how often did she had Gerda reporting of her younger sister's attics of trying to steal the snacks and chocolate from the kitchen when no one was watching then she could only roll her eyes and shake her head, it was too much to count.

Instead of arguing further, the strawberry-blonde haired Princess had simply rolled her eyes and turned her attention back at her nephew, running her finger from his forehead and trailed down the bridge of his nose before giving a gentle 'boop' at the tip of it. The gesture made Wilhelm gurgle with a wide smile forming on his face, which in turn made her grin up at him.

But the sudden whimper that came from him had the Queen's head looking up from the reports she was overseeing, she was far too familiar with the sound that she had placed the paper she was holding down as Anna got up and lifted the toddler up just as he began to cry. "Hungry, right?"

Nodding, she had smiled at her sister as a form of confirmation. Anna had been learning to tell the differences in Wilhelm's whines and cries -no matter how slight they may be, and both sisters had fallen into a game of guessing since the Queen had long since mastered it. "Like you've said, a foodie."

"Those cheeks never lie." Anna laughed as she poked the boy's round and flushed cheek, skin so soft that it had become one of her favorite things to do whenever she was in the same room as he. "It's very fortunate that Gerda had recommended these dresses for you, it's far more practical."

And indeed it was. Her simple laced back dress was already a gift of it's own, but these new dresses that had extra laces at the front -allowing her to undo them herself without the need to ask for any sort of assistance was almost too good to be true. Designed so that it opened just enough to allow her to breastfeed and not undressing her completely, it made sure that she would not be caught in any inappropriate situation, though she still had to watch for her son's curious wandering hands whenever she held him.

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