Home Sweet Home

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She was home.

Finding herself standing at the deck once Hans had announced that Arendelle was in sight, watching as her beloved kingdom rose at the horizon, growing bigger as Nordlys approached, breaking through the blue water and against the waves. Tuning out the men working behind her, her hand found itself resting against her clothed stomach, although she could not find the physical change yet, she knew her child was there with her, coming home with her.

The waters had been cooperative enough that they were actually coming earlier than what Hans had predicted when they first departed from Corona, and she was pleasantly welcomed by the weather that she had grown very accustomed with, not overly hot nor bright, just right.

"You're up early." She had heard the approaching footsteps, a little dragged against the wood, and the yawning voice only belonging to her younger sister had made her smile as she came to stand beside her, arms crossed over the railing as she leaned forward. Anna was dressed moderately, thankfully, hair pulled into a simple ponytail, but it was clear that she herself had not been awake enough.

"We are almost home, Anna." The relief in her voice almost startled even herself. Sure, she had been feeling great about coming back home, but to voice it so clearly was a little embarrassing. She supposed seeing that they were truly there, that Arendelle was just an arm's reach, had eased her ever-existing fear of never returning the way that her parents did. She was... afraid.

Giving a wide yet sleepy grin, the auburn haired Princess had her head leaning against her sister's arm. "Home sweet home." Another yawn interrupted her before she snuggled even closer, enjoying the natural coldness that the Queen emitted. "I miss my bed."

Of course she did.

People had gathered as Nordlys finally docked, curious as they watched the royal family descended down, she was the first to do so, hand held by her husband, with her sister following close behind, the carriage already waiting for them. As a gentleman, Hans had helped both she and Anna to climb in first, and the chance was seized by the younger sister as she plopped next to her sister instead of her usual place across from her, arms already holding onto her whole body just as Hans had climbed in, resting her head comfortably on the Queen's shoulder with her eyes closed, there was no chance that she was to change her seat.

Her gesture, although being quite unexpected, was pleasant. The warmth that came from Anna was comforting, and the ever present hand of her husband holding her own truly proved her that she was surrounded by those that loved her, kept her grounded and away from the looming loneliness that she had suffered for so many years that it left a glaring scar in her mentality. But she was recovering, her life was improving, she reminded herself that.

The moment their carriage had stopped in the courtyard, just right by the tall wooden doors that stood as the castle's main entry, The Princess had made her way straight inside, stretching her limbs as she mumbled something about 'checking her bed', without a doubt going for a nap she apparently needed, and even then the older sister did not voice her disapproval, she was tolerating it, just for today. She would rather have her sister sleeping through the day than reports of how she nodded off during one of her activities.

Her plan was for her to return back to work as soon as possible, imagining the pilling papers waiting on her desk.

It didn't go well.

Not when she had the Admiral holding onto her hands and tugging her away from her study, insisting that today was still technically be considered her off day, since they had only just arrived from a journey across the ocean, and thus could mind her work tomorrow instead.

And that she should really not exhaust herself for their baby.

That one had successfully bringing her into giving in.


"It has been in Ánslo, hasn't it?"

It was common for her in opting to read books in the library, a little change of view from the constant hours spent inside her study most of the day, besides it would be far easier for her to choose any book that she was in the mood for when she sat in the same room, but she also stored her absolute favorite ones in her bedchamber, for times where she actually lounged around in bed such as this.

The particular book that she had been reading was kindly borrowed from Anna, a well-worn childhood book gifted to her from her childhood friend, telling a hundred short stories of her tropical land, it was a well-loved and highly prized possession of the Princess. The paper felt a little harsh under her fingertips, yellowing with age, but well-kept.

"What is?" Peering from the top of the book to raise her eyebrow at her husband in question, who currently was enjoying himself in having his head resting on her lap while she leaned against the headboard, she could not help but let one hand to run through his auburn hair, smoothing out the strands that slid past her fingers. He gestured at her abdomen then with a smile, green eyes glinting under the light that came through from the windows. "Perhaps."

It was only logical that the conceiving had occurred around that time, since the doctor had said that she was already pregnant before their trip, and both of them had been busy around the time of Anna's birthday to actually... it must have been Ánslo. Conceiving children was said to work better when one was relaxed, without the stress that strained her mind and affecting her physic, and she had been stressed almost all the time with the nagging Council on her back.

Hans was silent, if only for a moment, perhaps having the similar mindset as she, before his hand had reached up and tugged the book in her hand down, turning her attention back to him as he had a sly grin plastered on his face. "It couldn't be the hot spring, could it?"

He received a pair of glaring blue eyes then, as she found discussing their activities during their trip to Ánslo was rather private, something that was not to be discussed at all. "Hans!"

Anna's book came from 'A Frozen Heart', thought it was a nice little touch to add for tribute.

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