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19 years ago.......

"Did you know that Cupid is expecting their first child?" a silver-haired man quips as he straightens out his pristine white and gold suit. His lips droop in a frown as he sits down across from two ethereal looking women. Each of the women were staring at a globe in the center of the massive mahogany table.

"I did. Could she be the child of the supposed prophecy of The Cross Legend?" a petite, pale woman with bouncing red curls and smoking golden brown eyes adds in as she twists the globe around. She was dressed in a drapey white and silver ball gown that showed off numerous tattoos covering her arms along with a million and one freckles.

"There isn't any way to find out until she is born," a powerful, mysterious woman who had deep mocha skin and searing aqua blue eyes that could burn holes in souls. Her long black hair and flowy red dress moved along with her as she stood.

"Andromeda, we can't let the prophecy be true," the petite redhead expresses as she looks to the powerful mocha-skinned woman. Concern dripped in her voice as she looked to the older woman, Andromeda.

"But if it is destined, Luna, you know there is no way of stopping it," Andromeda counters with a pitiful smile. She walks over to the man's side and squeezes his arm.

"Odair, please tell Andromeda that we make what is destined, not God's," the petite woman, Luna, says exasperatedly as she looks to the man, Odair, and then back to Andromeda.

"As much as I hate to admit it, Luna, there are some things that must happen in order for things, life, history, to continue," Odair responds distantly as he gently touches the globe and it changes into an image of a young girl.

The girl was absolutely stunning, with light brown curly hair and high cheekbones that made her smile seem like it could make all the bad in the world fall away. She had a light dusting of freckles on the bridge of her nose and the tops of her cheeks, with long eyelashes to top her beauty off. But the one thing that got the three Legend's stuck, was her eyes. They weren't your normal everyday average hazel or forest green. They were an emerald green that made them seem like actual emeralds. They shimmered and shone impossibly bright, with more love and joy radiating from them that was thought possible.

"What do we do?" Luna asks with fear gripping her heart as she flips through book after book looking for some confirmation that there was something to be done of this impending disaster.

"Well--" Odair begins to make a suggestion but Andromeda lightly presses one finger to his lips and then uses her other hand to graze her fingers against the gorgeous young woman's freckled cheeks.

"There doesn't seem to be anything we can really do. This girl is destined to change everything," Andromeda begins as she steps away from Odair and sits back down in her seat, power and wisdom seeming to radiate from her piercing aqua blue eyes, "We can warn her, but this girl is destined to bring down the Order. And maybe, that is for the best. It is terrifying, and there will be great loss, but what is meant to be, can not be stopped. And this girl, won't be stopped." 

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