Chapter 25 ~ Hunter

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"You imbecile!" Luci shouts into the phone as I lean over the bar I had picked to station myself at before I went to go visit the little izumrud again.

"What?" I ask as I take a deep chug of beer and grabbed a pretzel from the basket in the center of the bar. Luci huffs on the other line of the phone call and I chuckle. "Angry?"

"Yes! The girl is in the hospital!" Luci shouts back at me and I stand up out of my chair in shock, worry spiking up in my heart.

Wait, no, that wasn't right. I didn't care about her. Obviously. She was just a random girl that I would have to deal with for a while before she would probably be killed during the tearing down of the Order. I don't care. Not at all. Not one single bit.

"Why?" I ask, calmly sitting back down on my bar stool and brushing off my suit jacket as if that would clear the confusion my heart was obviously feeling since I didn't care about the precious little princess being in the hospital.

"You fucking stressed her out! That's why! Mr. Rizzio was easing her into things and then you came and bombarded her! You freaking twat! She started her transformation early!" Luci continues to scold me and chuckle at the names she chooses to give me for this round of scolding.

"Hey, no need for such name calling, Lu. The sweet little princess will be fine! So she had a hospital visit? Who cares? She'll probably be fine in a couple of hours and then we'll kidnap her," I reassure Luci but she practically screams on the other line in response.

"NO! Hunter, you freaking twatwaffle! We. Can't. Kidnap! HER! We would be discovered and then put on trial! Do you not remember that the Order still has our lives on their belt of puppets?! And the Order doesn't take kindly to kidnapping. UGH! Why must I have a brother who is so fucking dense?!" she screams out before she falls into a coughing and wheezing fit. I stop sipping my beer and sigh defeatedly.

"Alright, I'm sorry. Just stop stressing. You'll start coughing again. Take a drink of water and I promise I'll back off from visiting her for the next couple days," I reply softly, my voice filling with concern for Luci's health.

"I already have you fucking ass-wipe," she grumbles, her voice growing reedy and gravelly from the coughing.

"Take a drink, grandpa," I tease her, trying to lighten the mood as I shift my phone on my ear and I can practically hear her eye roll in response.

"Shut up, you twat," she rasps before hanging up the phone call and leaving me in silence. I shove all the worry that was rising back down into darker corners of my mind where they would eventually disappear and take another sip of my beer.

"Alright. No visits to the princess. do I entertain myself now?" I ask myself, swinging side to side on my bar stool and crunching another pretzel between my teeth. I glance around the rest of the bar to see a couple who were whispering and giggling to each other, a man whose beard was cut to a triangle underneath of his chin, and a young woman who was reading an article on street fighting.

"Oh, yes, that'll do nicely," I mumble, pleased with myself as I slide to the stool right next to the young woman and ask her about local street fighting.

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