Chapter 24 ~ Kayden

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I ran until my lungs give out and I finally made it to the hospital. And now, the three of us were pacing around a waiting room waiting for permission to see Amara.

"She'll be okay," Noah repeated over and over again under his breath, clenching and unclenching his fist around the arm of the chair he was sitting in. I paced circles around the waiting room, anxious to see Amara and make sure she was okay.

"Wait, what happened?" I ask, suddenly realizing that I didn't know why she was in the hospital in the first place.

"We were walking back from the market and when we got back to the hotel, we found Amara heaving for breath out on the balcony on our floor of the hotel. She was as white as a sheet and very wobbly," Noah begins, his voice growing distant as he seemed to replay what must've been a terrifying moment of it happening.

"We had asked her if she was okay and she tried to respond but it seemed as if she had lost the ability to speak. And she tipped forward slightly but she grabbed onto a table and steadied herself for a second," Ben finally speaks up from his spot in the corner of the waiting room in silence, "And then she just collapsed in my arms and started shaking. We steadied her on a table again but she just pitched forward and we barely caught her before she face planted onto the pavement."

"She couldn't stop shaking, and she felt so cold. She tried to reach out for one of us and tried to tell us it was okay, but it was like she lost all motor skills. Her arms had just flailed around when she tried to grab onto one of us," Noah finishes and then I collapse into a waiting room chair, worry grasping my heart with a death grip.

We sat in silence, all three of us up in our heads and freaking out about Amara.

I hope she's okay.

I hope she's okay.

She's gotta be okay, right?

But what if she isn't?

God, I hope she's okay!

My head begins to spin with thoughts and I take a deep breath to clear it all up. I felt like I was slowly being swallowed up by quicksand, quickly being pulled into the dark and dreary places where hope was a distant memory and fear was wild and strong.

"Amara's family?" a doctor suddenly appears with Amara's Dad not far behind. All three of us practically jump up out of our chairs as the doctor approaches us and her Dad hugs each of us. He even wraps me into a tight, heartfelt hug.

"Is she okay?" the three of us all ask simultaneously, looking to each other with a mix of hope and fear in our eyes before turning back to give our attention to the doctor and their Dad.

"She should be okay. She was having a pretty violent panic attack or sensory overload due to stress," the doctor explains seriously as the three of us nearly collapse with relief. But then more questions arise.

Why was she so stressed to the point of collapsing?

Amara's pretty strong, something pretty big must've been going on for her to collapse from overload.

But how did I not see that?

"Do you want to go see her?" her Father suddenly asks, gently placing his hand on my shoulder and jarring me from my thoughts. I nod eagerly in response and follow her Father and brothers to her hospital room.

"Amara," I gasp as I step through the doorway and see her usually animated and elegant figure tucked under blankets and laying as still as a board. And she was so pale. I walk over to her bed and stop as I see her Mom sitting in a chair right next to her, her hands clasping over one of Amara's. She had a couple different IV's in one of her arms and small tubes in her nose to help her breathe.

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