Chapter 7 ~ Amara

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"Morning, sunshine," Noah throws the covers off my bed and pulls my suitcase out from under my bed. I curl up into a shivering ball.

"What are you doing?" I look at him as if he was absolutely crazy.

"It's Monday the 20th of September. Ring a bell?" Noah throws open my suitcase with a grin. I spring upwards and jump up and down on my bed.

"It's the Festival of Love in Rome!" I cheer. Noah chuckles at my excitement and throws me over his shoulder. He spins in a circle and I laugh.

"Alright, now get packing. We leave for the airport in two hours. And Mom already emailed our teachers that we'll be gone for the next week," He announces waltzing out of my room. "Tee minus two hours people!!" He shouts to the rest of the household in the hallway. I giggle at his announcements.

As I pack, my cell phone rings and I pick it up to hear Dylan's voice.

"Morning, babe. Can't wait to see you at school in an hour," Dylan's voice makes my whole body warm.

"Sorry, I'll be gone all week and the weekend. My Dad has the Festival of Love to attend in Rome since he's Cupid. And the people who are in charge of the Festival requested to meet me," I break the news to him gently.

"Why didn't you tell me that?" Dylan asks sadly.

"Because I forgot all about it until this morning when Noah woke me up and reminded me. But I'm letting you know now," I try to make him feel better.

"Okay, well, facetime me whenever you can. I'm going to miss you all week," he says sincerely.

"I'm gonna miss you too," I say, wishing I could kiss him right now.

"Alright, well I gotta go. Don't have too much fun without me," he says laughing.

"Don't get too bored without me this week," I reply and he hangs up with more laughter. I grin, he was such a goof.

"Breakfast!" Ben shouts into my room and I jump. He doubles over laughing and I chase him out of my room and down the stairs. He skirts the kitchen and dive bombs the couch to get away from me. I laugh at his dive and sit at the bar in the kitchen, snatching bacon as I go.

"Wheels up in ten," Mom rushes into the kitchen and then right back out with Alex in toe. I jump up and run back to my room to get ready.

I slip into a pair of white shorts and a t-shirt, grabbing two pairs of sandals and tossing them into my suitcase, along with my laptop and sketch notebook. Karma boy is going to love my drawings that I come up with when I get back. I stop suddenly, why did I care about that? I didn't. I shove the thought down into a box in my mind and zip up my suitcase. Alex and Noah run into my room, both of them flopping onto my bed.

"I'm gonna miss first grade," Alex says sadly. I laugh and Noah just shakes his head.

"We're gonna be back in a week buddy. Don't worry," Noah pats him on the back and I sit down next to the two of them. Noah wraps his arms around my shoulders and hugs me tight.

"How am I going to survive this week with all three of you?" I ask grinning. Noah squeezes me tighter and we both laugh. Alex begins to jump up and down on my bed.

"Mara, have you ever thought about making your room race car themed?" Alex looks at me curiously. Noah chuckles at his question and I shake my head no.

"I'm afraid I haven't," I reply and Alex shakes his head.

"Why not? It's a good investment. It would make your room so much cooler," he replies knowingly as he gets up off my bed and walks to the doorway.

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