Chapter 13 ~ Amara

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It's all that could be heard from the main street of Rome. And as I stood on the sidelines talking to dignitaries and older Legend's Of Life, I felt none of the laughter. It had left my body. All I could feel was cold without Karma Boy's hands on my waist like they had been during yesterday's cooking fiasco. It warmed my body by a few degrees just thinking about it.

"What do you think, Amara?" an older man suddenly asks, stirring me from my warm thoughts.

"Explain a little further and I will give you my thoughts, I didn't quite catch what you were saying," I answer calmly, covering for the fact that I was daydreaming about Karma Boy when, if I were to daydream about anyone, it should've been Dylan.

"Well, we were just talking about what to do with the unhappy people," Mr. Rizzio explains quietly as if some ears were not supposed to hear. Mr. Rizzio was a dignitary who indulged himself in a little too much illegal digging. So he was hard to believe. But for some reason, what he was saying was piquing my interest.

"What do you mean unhappy people?" I ask as the other dignitaries give me a funny look and Mr. Rizzio folds my hand into the crook of his arm, leading me away from the rest of the dignitaries and Legends Of Life.

"You mustn't be so loud, young Cupid," Mr. Rizzio warns me as he whispers into my ear and directs me to a deserted spot of the cobblestone street. Where I had a perfect view of Karma Boy dancing a cute little jig with his little sister.

"I'm intrigued as to what you mean by unhappy people, Mr. Rizzio. I'm sorry if this is not meant for other ears and that I almost gave us away," I whisper in return, grasping my champagne glass a little tighter and pull my eyes away from Karma Boy's dazzling smile that he gave to his sister, the one that I had seen during that cab ride.

"First, have you ever heard of rebellion against the Legend's before?" Mr. Rizzio asks delicately and I give him a shocked look.

"That's not possible! Everyone loves and respects the Legends!" I nearly shout, but knowing better, I lower my voice and look at Mr. Rozzio confusedly.

"Oh but it is. I'm sorry to say dear, but not everyone likes having their whole life being controlled by people they'll never truly know," Mr. Rozzio whispers solemnly in return, looking out at the smiling faces with a distance in his eyes that told me he's known about this for some time.

"Mr. Rizzio, how long have you known about this?" I ask worriedly, staring out at the smiling faces as well and spotting Karma Boy's rich blue eyes sparkling as he smiled. And suddenly my heart sank. People probably didn't like him very much at all. After all, he was the one who had to bring balance no matter what. Good or bad. He had to balance the scales.

"Too long my dear, too long," he rasps as the sun begins to set and lanterns hanging above the street begin to flicker to life, bringing a soft light across everyone's faces.

"Why haven't you told anyone?" I ask quietly, looking down at my drink and swirling it around to watch it swish against the edges of the pristine glass sides and leaving little trails of red as it swished to the other side. I suddenly feel eyes on me and look up to see Mr. Rizzio looking at me softly.

"Because my dear, one of these legends is not who they appear to be. One of your friends will inherit a great corruption that will set the balance off kilter. You must be careful of the one who isn't who they seem to be," Rizzio whispers as he gently squeezes my hand and then I'm suddenly pulled away by another hand.

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