Chapter 1 ~ Amara

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"Alex, please get dressed. It's your first day of Academy school after all," I pull little Alex out of bed and throw a clean shirt at him as I head out the door.

"But can't I stay young forever? I don't want to grow up and be a first grader," he pouts. I chuckle at his comment and walk down the hall to the kitchen. Mom was waiting in the kitchen with pancakes and bacon.

"Smells good, Mom," I kiss her cheek and notice Dad sitting on the couch in the living room. His digital interactive world map in front of him. He scoffs at something and then gets up to come eat breakfast.

"I have already had multiple complaints from Hades this morning," Dad scratches his gray-haired head and kisses my Mother on the cheek.

"How many people are falling in love this morning?" I ask, grabbing pancakes off the large platter and flopping them on my plate. Dad grins wide, I always ask this question. Every morning since I was eleven.

"Over two thousand," My Dad cooed happily in reply. My Mom laughs as she scoops up some bacon and walks over to the fridge. She tosses me the syrup and I coat my pancakes in the sticky, sugary sweet substance.

Alex comes waltzing into the room with the first outfit that he picked out by himself. He had on his superman shirt with plaid pants and an orange tie. His hair was pushed back with some gel; my Dad chuckles as he struts around. I run over and wrap Alex in a hug, picking him up in the process. My Mom kisses him on the cheek and he pushes her away.

"If I have to grow up then I can't have my Mom kissing me on the cheek anymore," he scolds her with a grin.

"And you are quite the handsome young man," I say as I kiss him on the cheek and he makes a sound of disgust.

My phone vibrates on the counter and I pick up the phone call. Sophie's voice squeals into the phone.

"Oh my gosh! I just got us a date with the two most popular boys in our grade!" she screeches. I stick my finger in my ear as she squeals again.

"Can't. Sorry. I have soccer practice this afternoon and I'm not looking to fall in love. I make other people fall for each other," I repeat to her for the thousandth time this year.

"What?! Come on. But Aiden said you were super cute! You can't ditch me. Not tonight. Tell your coach you have family matters. Please?" She begs me. I could practically see her making a pouty face through the phone.

"Fine. Just this once. Then you have to stop. I need a break. At least until Thanksgiving," I say exasperated. She growls on the other end and hangs up. She was getting better with her growling. Considering she was the daughter of Mother Nature, she was doing exceptional.

Noah comes rumbling down the stairs and snatches up the last three pieces of bacon. His dark brown hair was tousled and greasy. The odor of sweat suddenly wafted up to my nose.

"Oh, gross Noah. Go shower before you take me to school. Please," I plug my nose and Mom nods her head in agreement.

"Where's Ben?" My Dad asks as he looks up the stairs for my other older brother.

"He's still asleep last time I checked," Noah scratches his head and grabs a pancake, stuffing it into his mouth.

"Okay, well I'm going to wait outside in the nice fresh air until you're ready to take me to school Noah," I announce as I grab my bag and head outside to sit on the porch. The morning sunlight splashes across my face as I breathe in the warm air and prepare myself for another day in training to be Cupid. 

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