Chapter 9 ~ Amara

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Music and laughter filled the room and the lighting was beautiful. The small little building we were in had grand ceilings and a garden. There was a band playing softly out in the garden and I watched Alex dance with other little boys and girls in a circle next to the band. He looked so much more grown up in his nice clothes. I brush off my navy blue dress that slowly faded into white starting at my waist. I pretended to laugh at a joke that the mayor told us and he smiles even wider, happy to be speaking to Cupid's family.

"You have such a beautiful city," I compliment them and the mayor and his wife both blush. My Father comes to my side and shakes hands with the both of them. He pats my elbow, which was the signal for me to go enjoy myself a little, and say a silent thank you that I got to escape. The gold bangle around my neck suddenly felt heavy and I suck in a deep breath. It was sort of stuffy in here, so I step out into the garden and listen to the music that the band put out. It traveled through the air and tickled against my ears.

I smile softly as I watch the crescent moon rise in the corner of my view. Ben comes up to my side and smiles.

"Can I have a dance sis?" He sticks out his hand and I take it, wanting to be held for a little while. He takes me to the center of the old style stone floor and we sway to the beat of the music. Ben grins at me and I smile back.

"The mayor has such cheesy jokes," I release myself a little and Ben laughs.

"You're looking at your future, sis," Ben replies and a fast song suddenly kicks up. I recognize the song and dance along to it. I skip over and grab Alex's hand, making a line. The Mayor and his wife join in and so do my parents. And soon, most of the people at the dinner were dancing in the circle. I laugh as Alex busts a move and grabs my hand. My Dad spins me around and I end up in Ben's arms again. We step to the beat around the circle and everyone grabs a partner and does the same.

"Everyone is following your lead, sis," Ben says admiring everyone else and I look to see everyone laughing and enjoying the dancing.

"Why?" I look at Ben and he smiles proudly.

"Because you lead with a heart of gold," he releases me and I spin over to my next partner. It was Noah. He laughs at my sour face and hugs me.

"I'm sorry if I made you angry earlier. I just thought you liked each other by the way you acted around each other. He's looking at you right now," he whispers into my ear and spins me off to my next partner. I try to look but I don't see Karma boy. Noah must have thought someone else was Karma boy.

I look to find myself in the Mayor's arms and he makes more cheesy jokes. I laugh at one of them because it was really really cheesy and then I get spun back around and into someone else's arms. I laugh at how dizzy I was getting and the climax of the song begins. I go around and around the circle. My heart soared with pride and I felt like I truly belonged here.



The music swelled throughout the room and everyone was laughing and enjoying themselves. I watch in admiration as people chat and dance. I find Amara dancing with her oldest brother in the garden next to the band. Her face was glowing and she looked like a queen. Her dress started as a deep blue like the night sky and slowly transitioned into white as it traveled up and wrapped around her body. Her hair was put up into a fancy bun, with smaller braids pinned around and leading up to it. And she had small curled strands hanging down around her eyes and ears. She looked classic with gold earrings and a thick bangle around her neck matching her earrings.

"It's dangerous to fall in love with the Cupid," a voice whispers into my ear and my Mother appears by my side.

"I'm not falling in love with her," I state, watching Amara gather people up and beginning to dance to the fast song that had started.

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