Chapter 20 ~ Amara

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As soon as I step onto dry land and I walk a far enough distance away from Kayden to truly breathe freely, I walk as quickly as I can back to the hotel, not even saying goodbye to Kayden. It was too painful to do.

As I walk back through the streets, I suddenly feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. I begin to slow my walking and glance around me at the more lively and crowd streets. An odd feeling of being watched washes over me as I glance all around me to try and find the source. My whole body grows cold as the feeling grows stronger and I turn and begin to walk a little more quickly back to the hotel.

Once past the more crowded streets, I spot the very top of the hotel building only a few street blocks away, but my vision is suddenly blocked by a young man in a dapper black and white suit with a shining silver belt buckle peeking out from underneath of his suit jacket. Confusion lines my face as I look at him and he smiles slyly, and that's when my breath catches in my throat.

His eyes!

One was a sharp, icy blue that could freeze over hell, and the other was a shining brown that was borderline gold.

"Oh, my, so the legend is true," the young man breathes against my nose as our faces come within inches of each other and discomfort blooms wildly in my mind. I back up a couple steps but he continues to take steps forwards, keeping the same close proximity between us. But his eyes never left mine.

"It can't be possible," the young man who looked to be about my age gasps as he runs one hand through the pitch black hair that was on the very top of his head but shaved to a buzzcut on the sides.

"I don't know who you are but you're freaking me out," I rasp, my voice still croaky from all the crying and shouting from only an hour or so ago.

"How is it possible? After all these years, it'" the young man gasps, finally looking me over fully and beginning to judge me.

"Well, aren't you a rude little stranger that I'm going to definitely put on the keep away list later?" I retort irritatedly as the young man's eyes spark amusedly and his lips quirk into a smirk.

"Oh, but you're a feisty little thing I see, huh little izumrud?" an accent begins to pull at his voice and my eyebrows furrow confusedly, not quite able to pinpoint what accent he had or understand what he just called me.

"Look, I don't know who you are but I'd prefer it if you kept your distance and just left now, okay?" I huff exasperatedly, just wanting to get back to my hotel room and flop on my bed for a few hours before the rest of the day came crashing in. And wanting to avoid this creep. A shockingly handsome creep, though.

"Oh, yes, you probably don't know who I am. But I, of course, know who you are," the young man replies as he begins to waltz around me cockily, making a show of himself as his suit coat moves just enough to reveal a holstered handgun at his belt. My whole body bristles, my eyes darting around for somewhere safe to go.

"Wait, what?" I wonder as the last part of his statement truly hits me.

"I will explain it all later," the young man dodges as he glances behind me and then back at me, looking me over with an unreadable expression. He then brushes the ends of his fingers against my face before withdrawing into a back alley.

"Until next time, little izumrud," his voice echoes as his face draws into the dark but an outline of a white skull is left as a singe in the shadows. I stand in shock of what all just happened and then shake my head and pin it all on my hormones.

"Of course, it was just my hormones. I'm just hallucinating that a handsome young man with two drastically different colored eyes appeared in front of me and then disappeared into an alleyway. Leaving an outline of a white skull hanging mid-air in the shadows," I ramble on to myself as I walk at a much faster pace to the hotel than I did before.

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