Chapter 6 ~ Kayden

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"Morning, guys," I say as I hop into the car. Aiden was silent and Dylan looked a little too happy. I look between the two of them a few more times and realize that something happened during the date last night.

"She hates me," Aiden grumbles as he pulls out of my driveway and onto the street.

"What did you do?" I ask in response. I kind of knew Amara. She was sweet and kind. It was rare to get her ticked off.

"He talked about himself just a little too much," Dylan responds before Aiden could. He growls angrily and I shake my head knowingly. There is one thing about Amara that almost everyone picks up on when you first meet her, she was not like any other girl.

"I'm sorry, man. Maybe she just wasn't the one for you," I reply as I flatten out my t-shirt and khaki shorts.

"I'm not sorry. I fell for her all over again last night cause Sophie switched to save Amara," Dylan looks like he's about to fly out of the car with joy. Worry rises in the back of my throat but I shove it down. I didn't need to worry. That was a good thing.

"Do you think she likes you?" I ask Dylan anxiously.

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure she does. We kissed last night," Dylan grins wider than I have ever seen before and something in the back of my mind suddenly jolts.

"That's awesome," I say, but it didn't feel like a truly genuine statement.

We pull into the school parking lot and park slowly. Dylan gets out of the car first and practically sprints to the door. And I see why, Amara was sketching in a notebook alone on the front steps. My mind wonders as to what she was drawing. I knew she was good. She was better than good, she was amazing. I walk over to Aiden's side as he gets out and waltzes up to the school steps and we walk right past Amara. Luckily, she didn't notice me. I don't know why, but for some reason, I didn't want her to know who I was.

I continue to walk up to the open front doors and I hear Dylan laughing behind us. I also hear Amara's uplifting laugh as well. My heart suddenly kicks up a notch and I decide to speed walk the rest of the way to the Calculus room.

"I'll catch ya later," I say to Aiden and jog the rest of the way down to the Calculus room. I hop into my seat and let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Dylan walks into the room alone and sits in his desk next to me with a silly grin on his face.

"What's with you?" I whisper the question to him before the bell rings and he giggles. Giggles. G-I-G-G-L-E-S. Wow, Amara really had done a number on him.

"We're official. I asked her out and she said yes," he sighs lightly and Mr. Brist starts the class on a negative tone. What a day it was already. 


 I grab the bathroom pass and head out of the classroom. I needed to go to the bathroom and English was boring today anyway, so why not? As I'm walking down the halls, I spot Amara walking into the office with another orange pass in her hands. It was third hour so Ms. Hallot must have lashed out at her for yesterday and given her a detention as extra. I walk into the bathroom to find Aiden making out with a Freshman girl.

"Ahem," I clear my throat and Aiden pulls away from the Freshman, a new grin on his face. He must be feeling better now.

"Hey. So did you hear the news?" Aiden asks as he walks over to wash his hands. I step up to the urinal and listen to Aiden's yammering.

"Depends on what news you mean," I say, unzipping my pants and begin my business.

"That Amara and Dylan are back together and are quickly becoming the power couple of the school," Aiden scoffs as he snatches up paper towels.

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