Chapter 14 ~ Kayden

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 "Hello?" I ask into the telephone as I pick up the call and Dylan's voice is huffing on the other end.

"Hey man! Guess where I'm at!" Dylan suddenly exclaims with excitement oozing from his voice as I hear similar noises from around me in the background of his end of the phone call.

"Are you in Rome?" I ask, putting the pieces together and heading away from the stage to find him. And also to make sure that he didn't see me near the stage trying to catch up with Amara.

"Damn, dude! How did you know?" Dylan asks in surprise as I roll my eyes and finally spot him across the street googoo eyeing Amara. I point at him from where I stood and he chuckles with a delighted smile playing across his face.

"It wasn't that hard to guess," I reply as I hang up the phone and walk over to Dylan, his arms outstretched in a hug. I awkwardly step into his arms and hug him in return, suddenly feeling incredibly guilty for nearly racing after his girlfriend because I felt something stronger than I'd ever known for her.

"Man, you have no idea how great it is to be here," Dylan expresses as he continues to stare at Amara from across the street and I turn my head to see why he was gawking at her for so long.

And as soon as I look at her, I tell myself that I should've known.

She was dancing joyfully with the little boy in the center of the street, her face lit up like a night sky in July. Amara's dress flew out around her, making her whole body seem even more graceful and elegant. Her eyes were glowing with an unfathomable amount of joy and love. And they drew me in with one fair swoop. Like a piece of lint on a carpet that was being vacuumed, swept up and entrapped with ease.

"Isn't she stunning?" Dylan sighs in awe with a touch of pride lacing the undertones of his voice. I want to answer his question but I knew that was the riskiest thing to do.

Because I knew I couldn't lie and say she was anything less than breathtaking.

I wouldn't be able to.

The only thing I could do was praise her, that was the least she deserved.

And once I started, I wouldn't be able to stop.

"Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise?!" My Mother suddenly exclaims from off to the side, shaking both of us from our gazing at Amara.

"Oh, hello, Miss Karma. We were just admiring my girlfriend," Dylan says and I snicker at how lovesick he was. I had never seen him blubber on and on about a girl so much.

But then again, Amara seemed to have that effect on people.

"Oh, of course. It seems to be that no one can take their eyes off of her today," My Mother replies, her eyes gauging me in a scrutinizing way that sent the message that her comment was somewhat directed at me.

"Of course, they can't! She's absolutely breathtaking! And I make sure to tell her that every day," Dylan babbles on and my Mother smiles knowingly.

"Just be careful that you don't smother her, dear," my Mom replies cautiously and now I look to her, my interest suddenly peaked.

"What?" Dylan replies with a question, his face suddenly a little less bright. As if he could sense that my Mom knew something that we didn't. But I was picking up on that vibe too.

"I've known Amara and her family since she was a child, Dylan. That girl, she's as wild as it can get. And she's the most powerful legend this world will probably ever see," my Mother replies as her voice grows distant and we all turn to watch Amara light up while talking to all kinds of people as she continues to explain, "Amara wields her spirit like a sword. She did not let her powers consume her and define her like most other people would, she was born with a spirit that is her instead."

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