Chapter 21 ~ Kayden

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As soon as we hit dry land, Amara is taking off down the street before I can say a word. I try to say something but I cut myself off due to the fact that she was already halfway down a street by the time I'm completely done tying the row boat to the dock. I sigh as moments from this morning's adventure replays in my mind. It was a disaster. But a sweet one. A sweet disaster. And after an hour of sailing, we finally found our way back to the mainland which was a good thing. But overall, it was confusing.

I walk slowly from the dock and back onto the street, not feeling in a rush unlike Amara apparently did. Either that or she was running away from the awkwardness of the ride back and the disaster of the adventure in general. Thoughts begin to cloud my head as I walk through the streets and pray that the tingling and aching feeling for Amara's lips on mine dissipates.

"Hello again, Kayden Quinn Pierce," An eerily sweet voice whispers from an alley as I pass it by. Shivers instantly run down my spine and I feel goosebumps of worry on my skin. I remember that sickeningly sweet voice.


"Why are you back? You turned into a rock," I reply somewhat fearfully, not knowing what else to do as she slides out from the alleyway in a pristine, tight-fitting white dress. Her ice blue eyes shimmered a mischievous spark that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

"I came to see you and ask you how you and Amara are," Ophelia replies coolly, running her fingers along my shoulders as she approaches, "And you neglected my stone so I turned back into my human form. But the next time you neglect my stone, you'll lose a limb." Her voice turns demeaning and cold as she stops behind my right shoulder and whispers in my ear.

"I only left it in my hotel room. That's not neglecting it," I argue before I get a chance to consider whether that was the best thing to do in this situation or not.

"How can you come to care about a girl so much in just one week?" Ophelia suddenly asks and I stare at her dumbfoundedly.

"What do you mean?" I ask, not fully grasping her question until it really hits me a second later.

She meant Amara.

"This girl. Amara. The emerald eyed girl. How can you come to care for such a girl in so little time?" Ophelia rephrases the question and at first, I'm at a loss for words, unsure of how to explain the feelings I had toward Amara. How I had come to care for her so much and so quickly was honestly still astonishing for me. I didn't think anyone was ever capable of that let alone me.

But then it all clicked in my mind and I understood.

"You know how chemically, it takes your brain only four minutes to fall in love with someone? You see, that's not my brain worked when I met her. As soon as I saw her smile that day in detention, it took three seconds. One second to register the joy that I felt whenever she smiles, another second to feel my heart explode at the sight of the gorgeous spark in her eyes. And the third second to feel my whole body, every single part of it, suddenly agree on the fact that I felt this amazing spark for her and that I wanted her in my life," I explain softly, my voice growing distant as images of her smiling and laughing play on a loop in my brain.

Ophelia stays silent for a moment, studying me as I try to pull myself down from this sweet high that thinking about Amara's smile always sends me to.

"Astonishing," Ophelia murmurs as I compose myself and she continues to walk slow, observation filled circles around me.

"Yes, she is astonishing," I reply softly as I finally break her circle walking and begin to walk away, not wanting to deal with Ophelia any longer and feeling slightly creeped out and uncomfortable.

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