Chapter 3 ~ Amara

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"I'm so glad you agreed," Sophie beams, linking her arm with mine as I walk into the school. Everyone was dressed nicely for the first day. Even the boys.

"Yup," I reply while walking up to my locker and then pulling my music and art stuff out of it. I stuff my soccer bag into the open space and then close it. As we head down the halls towards the art room, I run into a tall auburn haired boy.

"Sorry," I say as I quickly pick up my art supplies and look up to see a sort of familiar face. He half smiles down at me and then crouches down to help me pick up my stuff.

"It's okay. Amara, right?" the boy says, handing me my bag of sketching pencils. We both stand, looking at each other for another second. His eyes were a myriad blue that shimmered under the average school lights.

"Yeah," I say, Sophie snatches my arm and yanks me away before I hear his name. I glance back one last time and feel a single spark in my chest as I catch sight of those deep blue eyes again.

"That was weird," Sophie blurts as we walk into the art room.

"Who was he?" I ask, looking at the doorway before sitting down in our assigned seats. I couldn't get his eyes off my mind.

"I don't remember his name. I've never had any classes with him before," Sophie helps me unpack my art stuff and then she gets out hers.

"I've never seen or talked to him before either," I state as I splay out all of my sketching pencils and my many erasers to go along with them.

"Yeah, that's cause he transferred here as a freshman. He's Karma's oldest child," Sophie explains and I nod. I wonder what that was like.


I scribble notes as Ms. Hallot explains more about the image on the screen. Sophie whispers for my attention from across the aisle so I scribble down one last note about the history piece and then lean over to let her talk.

"Aiden is looking at you," she whispers excitedly. I look up to see that he was smirking at the two of us. I wave slightly, my face was turning red with embarrassment and Ms. Hallot suddenly clears her throat.

"Do you have something to say Amara?" the old lady points her ruler at me and I clear my throat as well.

"I just wanted to say that if you wanted to show us an art piece from the 1700's then you have the wrong picture up there," I announce standing up out of my desk and waltzing up to the board confidently, "The strokes and texturing of this piece is obviously late 1800's. They are similar but 1700 art pieces were comprised of more organic supplies. Which is why they always have a little bit of color mixture in their purples and oranges. There is none of that in this picture."

Everyone's mouths drop to the floor and I politely grin, Ms. Hallot's face was red with anger and embarrassment. She pulls out her orange sheet and gives me a detention slip, her hands flying across the paper in anger as she scribbles down my name.

"You, young lady need to watch your tone," she hisses, and that's when I notice a rung in her tights. I smile politely as ever. I didn't mean to make her angry. I just wanted to correct her.

"I'm sorry that this angered you, Miss. I only meant to inform you of your mistake and make sure that none of my classmates learn to identify paintings incorrectly," I reply sweetly, walking back to my desk with the slip in hand.

"You will turn that into the office now," Ms. Hallot orders me as she whips back around to the board. I walk out the door of the classroom and feel everyone's eyes on my back as I walk out. It felt as is even the painting was staring at me in shock and surprise.

I walk down the halls quietly and notice someone else already in there, with an orange ticket in hand. I walk into the office and smile at the secretary. She beams back at me with her bright white, slightly crooked, teeth.

"Good morning, Mrs. Holiday!" I chirp as I hand her the orange ticket. Her smile turns into a frown as she takes it from my hand. That's when I see who the other person was. It was the boy from this morning.

"How did you get your first detention on the first day of school?" Mrs. Holiday frowns deeper as she asks me the question and I sigh.

"I was correcting Ms. Hallot and she got angry at me," I explain myself and she smiles. I hear the boy laughing on the other side of me.

I whirl around and find myself staring into his deep blue eyes.

The deep blue eyes and auburn hair from the hallway this morning.

"What's so funny?" I ask him, I finally snap out of my daze and he smiles.

"Just that I've never seen a student with as much guts as you," he looks me up and down, amused with me.

"You're Karma's son, aren't you?" I ask him as I head out of the office and he follows.

"Yes, I am. And your cupid's only daughter," he responds, heading the other direction down the hall as he says this. I stop and debate upon whether I should get his name, but by the time I decided to, he was already around a corner and gone. I head back towards the history room with a small smile on my face, beginning to wonder; who was that boy?

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