Chapter 8 ~ Kayden

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I walk into the pool room to find it empty. I set my towel and phone down on a chair and dive into the deep end of the pool. The cool water slaps against my skin and makes it slick. I open my eyes and they sting from the chlorine. As I come up, a gorgeous brunette walks into the pool room in a navy blue bikini with white trimming. A sense of recognition floods my minds and I realize it's Amara! Oh god. I just called her gorgeous. At least she doesn't know I'm in the pool yet. I suck in a load of air and go back under. The pool lights were bright in my eyes as I try to stay down as long as I can.

I hear talking above the surface and I peek up above the waterline. I spot a tall blonde haired boy with her and a tinge of jealousy sparks to life. I immediately stomp it out. I didn't like her that way. I recognize the blonde who was now throwing Amara into the pool. It was the guy who was with her that first night after detention. Amara dives into the pool with a loud splash and laughter. My heart suddenly skipped a beat when I heard her laughter and I crawl out of the pool. The boy who was with Amara recognizes me and runs over.

"Why are you looking at my sister?" he asks me protectively and I almost laugh. Her brother! Of course that's who he was.

"I wasn't," I reply with a smirk on my face and my hand out.

"You were," her brother refuses my hand and walks back over to the side of the pool.

"Okay, maybe I was. We go to school together," I reply, walking over to his side.

"Wait, I recognize you! You're the boy who put the paint all over her face in detention," he suddenly clicks it all together and I chuckle. So that's how her older brother knew me as.

"Yeah, I am," I nod my head as Amara walks up the stairs out of the shallow end of the pool. She recognizes me in seconds and rolls her eyes.

"Hi," she says standing at her brother's side.

"Hey," I reply, looking her over. Her skin was tan and water was dripping down her legs and arms. And her midsection. She twists her hair and some of the water drips onto the floor.

"Aren't you going to introduce me?" her older brother insists her.

"Noah, this is Karma boy. He refuses to tell my name for reasons I don't know. Karma boy, this is my older brother by a year, Noah," she says with a small smile on her face.

"Hi, Noah. So you're in college?" I do the math and he should be graduated if he's a year older than her.

"Yeah, now I need to get in the pool. Are you two joining me or is it just going to be me competing against myself for who's the better diver?" Noah looks at the two of us for answers and Amara suddenly looks very determined.

"I'm up to it. Your two are so going down," she says running to the pool's edge and diving in. Her body streaks through the water and her image is distorted in the rippling water.

"It's so on," I say walking to the edge and cannonballing into the pool next to Amara's surfacing head. She shrieks and laughs as I come up right next to her. Her green eyes shimmered from the water reflecting in her eyes. She smiles at me and we turn to see Noah taking a running start to his dive. He does a huge cannonball and we both go under to prevent getting water in our mouths and eyes.

While we were underwater, my hand finds its way to hers and she links her fingers through mine for a second. As we surface, she let's go and grins wildly. She tucks back into an underwater flip and then swims forwards underwater. I suck in a breath and go under after her. I swim after her for about ten seconds and then she surfaces. My face comes up right in front of hers. I could feel my heart in my throat and I commanded it to stop racing.



I could feel his breath on my nose and lips. His hair was darker since it was wet and it was slicked against his forehead. I suck in a breath and realize that my heart was racing at ninety miles a minute. A lump formed in my throat and Dylan suddenly popped into my head. I take a step back and Karma boy stays where he is. There was no smile on his face. I see Noah coming our way and I plaster on a fake smile.

"Hey, Noah. What time is it?" I ask him, needing to get out of here quickly. Karma boy looks at the clock and his face goes pale.

"I gotta go. I have to get ready for an introduction dinner," he rushes out of the pool and waves as he heads out the door. I walk the steps up out of the pool feeling breathless yet again. But not from annoyance, something else took my breath away.

"Hey Mar, why won't that boy tell you his name?" Noah asks as he steps out of the pool and grabs a towel off of our chairs.

"I don't know," I reply blankly.

"You call him Karma boy because he's Karma son, right?" Noah asks me and I look at him funny, finally gaining my other emotions back beside fear.

"Yeah, why?" confusion swirls in my brain.

"Just wondering. If you two were to ever date or anything, it wouldn't work," Noah suddenly blurts and my mouth falls open.

"Why would you say that? I have a boyfriend," I reply even more confused.

"I'm saying that because it looks like you two are falling for each other. And I'm saying that it won't work because his future career is all about punishment and yours is joy and love. It wouldn't ever work," Noah explains and I snatch up my towel and sandals. I march out of the pool room and let the door slam shut behind me.

Anger boils in my veins and I stomp over to the elevator. I wait a minute for Noah but he didn't come. So I let the elevator doors close and it shot upwards. Why in the world would he think that?! I was not falling for Karma boy. Never. I wouldn't fall for a guy who wouldn't even want to give me his name. And I like Dylan. So HA for Noah. Ha!

Thoughts swirl and spin in my mind as the elevator door opens and my Mom is standing on the other side.

"Oh, thank god. I just came looking for you. It's time to go get ready for the dinner. I have the dress you picked out for it last month," Mom grabs my arm and hauls me over to our room. She opens the door wide and Alex is inside with Ben and him both wrapped in towels at their waists. I couldn't help but grin at the sight of Alex mimicking Ben.

"Your turn to shower, sis," Ben says as he walks by me. I grin and pinch him. He looks back and sticks his tongue out at me. I do the same in return for him and walk into the bathroom as I hear Noah walking into the room. I lock the door behind me and set my towel down on the ground. I strip down and turn the water to it's hottest. I had to burn these thoughts out of my head before the dinner. I had business to attend to and a room to work.

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