Chapter 5 ~ Amara

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I hop on Noah's motorcycle and he slips my helmet onto my head. I click it on and we back out of the slot. He turns and we roar out of the school parking lot. Wind whips at my face and threatens to pull my hair out of it's ponytail hold. We take a sharp turn and soon we're in the city center. We pass by my Mom's building and stop at a red light. I hear shouting and hollering off to my left. I look over and see Aiden and Dylan in the front seat of their black Range Rover. I quickly flip down the shades on my helmet and turn back around.

Oh god. I was supposed to go on a date with him tonight. Rrrg. I really did loath Sophie's need to be the matchmaker sometimes. The light turns yellow and someone shouts my name on my left. I already know that it was Aiden, but my head turns anyways. Aiden waves at me through the window and the motorcycle flies forwards. Noah kicks the speed up a notch and we turn a corner. I hear them shout again but we were around the corner and then another before I would've had to wave.

Noah parks the motorcycle in a slot and I hop off. Noah helps me pull the helmet off and laughs.

"What?" I look at him confused. He points across the street at the same black Range Rover that was saw at the stoplight just moments ago. The boys jump out of the car but I turn around and pretend I didn't see them.

"Boy, that one likes you. But I'm not sure he likes you for the right reasons," Noah says as he opens the door for me and I walk into the restaurant. Embarrassment was streaked all across my face along with the paint from detention. Noah chuckles at my face and it gets even redder as we sit down in a booth.

"I don't want to talk to those boys for a reason. I'm supposed to go on a date with the one tonight. Trust me, it wasn't my idea. Sophie set it up and she begged me," I say as a waitress comes to take our order and smiles at my paint splattered face.

"Two Pepsis," Noah tells the waitress and she scurries off.

"I never ever wanted to go out with any of them," I add on after a moment of silence.

"Okay, now tell me about detention. It's your first one right? How did you get it?" Noah looks at my face and can barely hold in the laughter.

"Well, for your information Mr. Giggle Box, I got it by correcting a teacher for their mistake. I didn't mean to make her angry. She just got all grouchy and sent me to detention. It wasn't so bad," I say, remembering the two hours I spent with Karma Boy.

"Okay, how did you get the paint all over your face?" he points to all the streaks of blue across my face.

"Another guy in detention did it," I give him the short answer, not wanting to explain it and give away anything. Not that I liked him. So why was I hiding it? The waitress walks over with our drinks and we both order fries and a traditional burger. Noah snickers a little more before finally calming down.

"I talked to Alex right when he got home. He said that he loved first grade and that he needed to talk to you about how to stay out of trouble when you get home," he grins at me and I roll my eyes.

"Which one of you turds told him I got in detention?" I furrow my eyebrows and Noah shrugs. What a great response, I think to myself sarcastically.

We sit and eat in silence once the waitress brings us our food and I hear a clang from the door. I look up to see Karma Boy walking in alone. He orders food to go and then finds my face. My eyes go wide and his half smile spreads like wildfire across his face. Noah looks at me funny and I look down at my food.

"Do you know him?" Noah asks, beginning to connect the dots since Karma boy still had the paint on his face like I did. Karma boy waves and then heads out the door with bags of food in his hand.

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