Chapter 4 ~ Kayden

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"Kayden, Dylan, what are you doing?" the art teacher looks down her nose at us as we paint our beautiful masterpiece.

"We're painting a cluster of butterflies," I reply with my award-winning smile on my face and a few paint stains on my shirt.

"Well, that's not what you were supposed to do. You were supposed to paint a portrait of your partner," the art teacher looks at our painting and scoffs.

"We thought butterflies would be more fun," Dylan adds in cheerfully.

"Well, you thought wrong. Which one of you had this idea?" Dylan and I look between each other, and before he speaks up to fess up, I jump in.

"Me," I raise my blue paint covered hand and the art teacher just shakes her head disappointedly.

"I'll have you serve a two-day detention as a punishment for going against my orders," she pulls out the orange slip and hands it to me, waving me towards the door. I give a thumbs up to Dylan before I turn and head out the door towards the office. The hallways were almost completely empty since everyone else was in their third-hour classes. I walk into the office and smile at the desk attendee.

"Good morning, Mrs. Holiday. I got another one for ya," I hand her the slip and she enters it in with a knowing smile.

"Who were you covering for today?" she asks me with a sweet smile.

"One of my friends. We just painted the wrong picture. No biggie," I wave it off and she puts her hand over the spot where her heart is.

"You just hold on, I'll get it entered into your record. Then we can chat," she gets up out of her chair and goes into the file room for a minute.

"Okay," I respond casually. She was a kind woman compared to some of these other teachers.

As she sits back down in her chair, I spot the girl from earlier this morning. Her name was Amara, I think. She walks down the hall, her hair looked golden under the sunlight from the windows. And her green eyes spot me as she walks into the office.

"Good morning, Mrs. Holiday!" she chirps, handing her an orange slip as well. I watch as Mrs. Holiday frowns and Amara explains herself.

"I was correcting Ms. Hallot and she got angry at me," she says politely. Wow. She had guts. I had never heard of a student correcting a teacher before. Not even at my old school. And there were a lot more bad kids in my old school. Amara suddenly whirls around and looks at me. I look into her emerald green eyes and they glint with emotion and sincerity. My heart suddenly jolted.

"What's so funny?" she asks me, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Just that I've never seen a student with as much guts as you," I reply amusingly. She was an interesting one. But her eyes were deep. Deeper than an ocean was my guess. They were full of all kinds of emotions.

"You're Karma's son aren't you?" she looks me up and down and smiles slightly, heading out of the office.

"Yes, I am. And you're Cupid's only daughter," I reply, turning and heading back to the art room. I glance at her in the reflection of a window and see her standing there, debating on whether she wanted to get my name, I bet. But she didn't want my name. It was better if she didn't.


Lunchtime rolled around pretty quickly and soon, I was sitting in the center of our usual table laughing at Dylan's incident with some freshman girl.

"And she called me a dick!" he shouts a little too loudly. I look around and see people looking at us, Aiden and I look at each other and laugh. The lunch monitor calls for our table and we all get up to go get food. Except for the two that always brought their lunch.

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