Chapter 11 ~ Amara

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"Morning sleepyhead," Noah greets me. I lift my head off of his chest and realize that it was morning already.

"How is it morning already? I swear we were just starting the second movie of our movie marathon last night," I say looking around to find Alex playing with his trucks on the coffee table.

"Well, you fell asleep halfway through and I figured since we were already in a bed that I would just let you sleep and eventually I fell asleep," Noah says as I rest my head back on his chest. His heart beats underneath of me and I feel protected. He takes a deep breath and sighs.

"Isn't the city beautiful?" I sense that Noah had something to talk about and I try to distract him.

"I forgot to ask you why you were so tired yesterday," Noah says, his chest rumbling with his voice.

"Well that lunch with the Mayor that turned into dinner was very exhausting," I lie. I was tired because of Karma boy. He did something that drove me up the wall. Or was it just something about him?

Noah sighs again and we fall silent, except for the sound effects that Alex made with his trucks. The door to our hotel suite suddenly flies open and Mom comes rushing in. Noah and I both sit up and my Mother frets around the kitchen.

"What's wrong Mom?" I say, quickly getting up off the bed and walking over to her.

"Oh, just that we have two hours until the parade and your Father suddenly has a fever," Mom takes a deep breath and throws open cabinets and rushes into the bathroom.

"What happened?" I walk into the bathroom after her, she pulls out every type of Tylenol, ibuprofen, and Tums that the hotel provides.

"Can any of you read Latin?!" she screeches. I take the box from her and read through the label.

"It says to take two pills for every hundred pounds," I return the box to her and Mom nods at me gratefully. I grab onto her arm and slow her down for a minute. She looks at me anxiously. "Take a deep breath Mom," I add and she sucks in multiple gulps of air.

"I'm sorry to dump this on you Mar, but if your Father continues to throw up like he is, then you will have to do the parade appearance," my Mother suddenly blurts and I release her arm in shock. My whole body freezes up, Noah comes to my side and smiles.

"Hey, hello in there?" Noah waves a hand in front of my face and I shake my head, bringing me out of my shocked trance.

"I can't do it," I blurt with terror climbing up the back of my throat like bile would right before you throw up. And that's exactly what I felt like doing.

"Yes, you can, sis. If anyone could do this, you could," Noah looks me in the eyes and wraps me into a warm embrace. I relax just the slightest and Mom comes rushing back over to me.

"You're going to have to do it. Your Father is getting hot and cold flashes in the middle of his suit tailoring. He won't do well on a parade float," Mom grabs my arm and hauls me out the door. I curse under my breath, my phone was still in the hotel room.

"Mom," I try to talk to her but she was too distracted. "Mom!"

"What, sweetheart?" she looks at me panicked.

"You need to calm down. If I have to do this then I need a Mother who is a little more chilled out then I am," I say nervously. She laughs slightly and nods her head in agreement.

"Okay. Okay, sweetheart," she finally calms down a little bit and then I begin to panic. I have to stand up in front of everyone. I have to wave and look like a perfect little angel. In front of everyone!

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