Chapter 22 ~ Hunter

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"Good lord! Hunter! I told you to watch her but not to approach!" a deep voice shouts from the distance as I spirit myself into The Base. A chill runs through my spine as I brush off my suit jacket and unholster my gun, setting it down on the check-in box next to the door.

"Oh, dear Luci, calm down. Everything is in motion just like you wanted," I reply calmly, plopping down on the leather sofa on the side of the room as a thin framed, straight platinum blonde haired girl whirls around in her massive black leather chair.

"Hunter, this is critical! This is serious business here! We need the girl on our side willingly and she has to have the pendant!" Luci exclaims as her platinum blonde hair bobs along with her motions. She grabs her shiny silver handgun off of her desk and begins polishing it like she always does when she's thinking about this grand plan we had to make and is now in motion.

"She has the pendant. Mr. Rizzio must have given it to her like we needed him to. But I don't think she's on our side yet. It'll take time for her to see what's going on Luci. The precious little emerald eyed girl has been groomed to be the Order's perfect little doll all her life. What you want to ask of her is like asking a dog to suddenly be a cat," I argue as I interlock my fingers behind my neck and flashbacks of approaching the emerald-eyed girl replay in my mind.

She was pretty for a Legend of Light. She didn't look so good when I met her but she was pretty hot. And her eyes were weird. A cool weird, of course. It was so weird to see eyes that were legitimately emerald green. It wasn't like the usual teenage girl who claimed they were but they weren't. This girls eyes were legitimately a shiny, deep, mysterious, emerald green.

"I know. Trust me, I know. With the surveillance we've had on her, I kinda feel bad for what we're going to have to do but we all know that the Order is corrupted and something has to be done. And the only thing we can do is fight against it with the most powerful Legend we can," Luci replies as she sets her gun down and rubs her temples.

"And how do you know that this fragile little cupid girl is the answer?" I challenge her, not fully believing that this cute little emerald-eyed beauty was the tough girl that could turn against the Order.

I walk over to Luci's desk and pick up some of the images we had taken of the emerald-eyed girl in Rome and she looked so fragile and innocent in all of them. She looked like a future queen who wasn't tough enough to rule on her own. Although, she was pretty hot.

"Hunter, I just know. The Legend of The Cross has to be true. If it isn't then I don't know what we'll do. But it has to be. She's got to be the girl," Luci says as gunshots go off outside and neither of us flinches, "She just has to be."

"Luci, you shouldn't be stressing about this. Honestly, I think that we should be helping Chaos. We should be tearing down the Order in the way they deserve. With blood and mutiny," I reply with a grin spreading across my face as images of me storming through the streets and tearing apart the Legend of Peace and all the others.

"NO!" her voice grows deep and menacing, suddenly reminding me of our abusive Father as she stands angrily and pounds her fists onto her desktop, "We may be evil but our reign is in trouble if we let Peace do our jobs. We will rule over everyone soon enough. But massacring them is not the way to go." I sigh sadly as Luci finally sits back down and begins to calm herself again.

"Fine. I won't massacre anyone. But only if you promise that we'll rule the world with our evil ways after we get the emerald-eyed girl and destroy the Order," I retort, standing up from my spot on the couch and walking over to lean on her desk. Luci looks up at me with a bright, promising grin filled with dark hope.

"Oh, I promise," she whispers as we interlock pinkies and she laughs deeply.

The computer on her desk suddenly chimes to life with a video call from a certain someone and I huff, walking back to my place on the couch and rolling my eyes as she picks up the call.

"Hello, Chaos," she chimes sinisterly, fluffing her hair and brushing off her gray leather jacket. I hear a chuckle on the other line as she twists the camera so that Chaos' murky sea green eyes can see me too.

"Hi," I reply flatly, jealousy sparking to life in my head because of the fact that he gets to massacre people's lives and I don't.

"Oh, don't be jealous, Hades. You'll get to join me in the massacring soon enough, right Lu?" Chaos chirps with his slippery, icy voice and his charmingly conniving bright white smile.

"No, neither of us will. Sorry, Cohen," Luci answers before I can and I huff frustratedly, crossing my arms over my chest and plopping back down onto the couch.

"Oh, come on! It's so much fun!" Chaos, Cohen, whines as he wipes some blood off of his hands and onto a handkerchief, tossing it out of the camera's view.

"Tell that to dear Luci!" I exclaim angrily as Luci glares at me and rolls her eyes.

"Am I the only one who's thinking big picture here?" Luci huffs frustratedly as she organizes the pictures we had gotten of the emerald girl in Rome so far.

"No, dear, you're not. But right now, I'm having way too much fun with my plan," Cohen rumbles as he chuckles and wipes his knife off on his pant leg. His laugh echoes throughout Luci's office and it was a reedy, gravelly, sinister type of laugh that would give any average person chills. But we weren't your average, everyday, run of the mill people.

"Well, I should go. I've checked in with you and I should probably get back to observing the princess," I announce as I get up and head toward the door, grabbing my spirit orb from my pocket and preparing to leave.

"You already have a nickname for the dear girl?" Luci calls from her desk and I turn in the doorway to look at her, a smirk playing across my lips.

"I have many for the little emerald princess," I reply slyly, grabbing my gun and twirling it around my finger before slipping it into its holster on my hip with a satisfying click.

"Don't cause too much trouble, Hunt. We have a big picture to keep in mind," Luci reminds me seriously as I turn and take a step out of the door, shaking my spirit orb until it showed the image of Rome.

"Oh, yes, I know. The world at our feet, fire and chaos everywhere, evil ruling over the world. It's a promising image. One that I will see in my sweetest of dreams," I reply with a grin spreading like a wildfire across my lips. My spirit orb suddenly lifts out of my hand and I grab onto it once again, feeling my body become weightless and my hand growing tingly.

"Now, let's just hope the precious little emerald princess doesn't do anything to try and stop us," I mumble to myself as I look around once again to see the streets of Rome all around me and the little princess's hotel just a block away. 

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