Chapter 27 ~ Hunter

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Punch. Kick. Slap. Bite! Wait, bite?!

"Hey! Biting's illegal!" I shout as I dive back into the fight and land a punch to my opponent's jaw. He staggers back and then reels up and spits blood in my face. "Oh, that was below the belt, sir! That was truly barbaric!" The crowd cheers as I tackle down the barbaric opponent of mine and the man's head slams down on the mat, his eyes lulling into the back of his head.

"Hunter!!" I hear a familiar screech and pop my head up to see an even more familiar head of platinum blonde hair watching me angrily. I land a final blow to the man's nose, knocking him out cold, before stripping off my gloves and standing up fully. I spit onto the mat and see a little blood in it, glancing at the little blondie with a smile.

"Ophelia, darling, how's Kayden watch?" I smirk as Ophelia yanks me out of the fighting ring and slaps me across the face.

"Oh shut it, you cock sucker," she hisses as I feel my now red hot cheek with one hand and use the other to grab Ophelia around the waist, "No. You can't lay your hands on me. Now, why in hell are you street fighting?"

I sigh frustratedly as I step over to the bar and pick up my things, leaving my tip to the bartender. Ophelia crosses her arms over her chest as she watches me put my watch and gun back on.

"I needed entertainment. The little emerald princess is in the hospital and Luci said I can't go visit her. And she was my entertainment," I explain vaguely as Ophelia huffs angrily and heads for the exit of the grungy bar we were in.

"That's no excuse for you to be doing street fighting where some skeezy Order personnel could identify you. And you know what'll happen if they find any of us," Ophelia begins to scold me about the same old thing again and I groan, sliding my hand around her waist as we get out onto the street and planting a hard kiss on her lips to quiet her.

"That's why I'm careful," I whisper huskily as I release Ophelia suddenly and walk straight across the street, a random man nearly running me over on his scooter as I walk across. My temper and powers flare, my the skin around my eyes getting hot.

"No, you're not very careful. Look, your skull is flaring again," Ophelia scolds me as I reach the other side of the street and struggle to hide the bright white skull outline from my face.

"Oh, shut it you, nag," I grumble as I walk around a corner and into an alley, pulling out my cell phone to call Luci, "Shouldn't you be in Kayden's pocket?"

"No, because he knows where I came from. I have to watch from afar now. Just like you. So you better have a chill pill and get used to me, you pain in the ass," Ophelia explains as I ring up Luci but just get her voicemail.

"Ophelia, darling, call your master. She's just letting my phone calls go to voicemail," I grumble, already knowing that I was correct. Luci was probably pissed because I had visited the little princess so much that she collapsed. And if she found out somehow that I participated in some street fighting, then she's probably livid at the moment.

"Oh, yes, because she's probably furious with you," Ophelia chides me as I run a hand through my hair and grab my lighter and cigarettes out of my pocket.

"Most likely. Now stop chattering at me and call her," I order her as I light a cigarette and take a long drag from it, attempting to calm my irritated nerves.

"Ugh, why must you smoke around me, you exhaust pipe. I can see why she's infuriated with you," Ophelia sasses me as she takes a few steps away from me and I lean against the brick and let out another puff of smoke from my lips.

As I'm taking another drag from my cigarette, I suddenly see a car roll past our alley and recognize the innocent little face inside.

"It's the little izumrud," I rasp, my Russian accent dripping into my voice more. I get up from my lean against the brick wall and step out into the streets, swinging around a lamppost with one hand on the post and a cigarette in the other.

"Alright, okay, yes, I know. He's behaving as well as the little pain in the ass can. Okay, yeah, bye," I finally hear Ophelia hang up as I watch the car pull around a corner and disappear from my view.

"What the hell are you thinking, you little devil?" Ophelia flicks one eyebrow up as she looks at me with her arms crossed over her chest and a knowing look in her pristine ice blue eyes.

"Hey, I'm not the devil here. You're technically a demon. I'm just the sibling to the devil and ruler of Hell. Not a devil," I correct her smugly as I stand up straight again before taking my final drag from my cigarette and dropping it onto the cobblestone street.

"Then why do you act like one?" Ophelia retorts with a sly smile spreading across her pale pink lips as I stomp out my cigarette and glance up at the corner that the little princess's car had just taken.

"Because. We all know that being good, is no fun at all. Now, come, I have an idea." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2018 ⏰

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