Chapter 19 ~ Kayden

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This was a disaster, is the only thought that goes through my head as Amara and I begin to scream at each other. Her face was contorted with anger and frustration as I throw my hands in the air and she continues to scream at me.

"Who said I would've been happy?!?!" she screams at me, my heart breaking as soon as the question leaves her lips. I could practically feel my jaw hit the grass as she huffs with anger and tries to cover the fact that she slightly regretted screaming that at me.

"You're just saying that to push me away! But guess what, you can't! I'm in it for the long haul! Whether you like it or not, Amara, I'm not leaving you just because you pushed me away. Because I know that you feel something," I shout back enraged, clenching my hands into fists and wishing that I had never taken her on this trip for a split second before taking it back.

I rush forwards and tightly cup her face in my hands, praying that she suddenly takes it all back. But instead, she shoves me away and continues to scream.

"NO! I don't feel anything! I can't! This isn't allowed! I can't do this, Kayden!" she shouts, her voice cracking with a mix of sorrow and anger. Her mix of emotions was beginning to confuse me as well. The sadness in her voice made me want to reach out and comfort her, but then she continued to shout at me, which made me wanna fight back. Fight for us.

"See! This is what I meant! You could be happy, but because it isn't technically allowed, your icing yourself over so that you can't allow yourself to feel happy! You're such a hypocrite! Take your own advice, Amara!" I shout back, throwing my arms in the air frustratedly once again. Ugh! I can't believe how infuriating one girl can be! She's so sweet but soooo infuriating!

"Isn't technically allowed?!?!! Kayden, are you kidding me?! Do you realize the repercussions of us ever getting caught?! We would be stripped of our lives! We would never be able to see each other again, we wouldn't have our powers, we'd go to different schools, we'd be given different families!! For Christ's sake, Kayden! Can't you see that?!" she shouts back, her voice cracking once again as I get a glimpse of the true concern and fear she had towards me and this whole situation. I watch and feel my heart crack as a tear drips down her cheek and she continues to scream at me, "I don't want you to go through that! You don't deserve it! So this has to end!" Another tear dribbles down her cheek and my heart begins to scream at me to reach out to her, but my body doesn't move until she looks me in the eyes. And I feel it, I feel my world shift and my mind and heart finally speak the same thing.

Kiss her! For Christ's sake, just kiss her! They both scream out as I suddenly launch forward and use one hand to bring her lips to mine and the other to pull her waist toward me. Her body moved with mine with ease, our hearts falling into sync again like it was second nature. The warmth of her skin against mine sent a tingle down my spine and my heart racing.

I grasp at her waist tightly, never wanting to let go to her precious and elegant figure. Or let go of her lips sweet, soft, supple lips against mine.

"No--" she tries to push against me but I won't let her go and she gets sucked right back in, both of us interlocking our lips again and feeling the collide of worlds and the flying of sparks.

"You're infuriating," I rasp against her lips as her hips sway with mine and I feel her body lean impossibly farther into mine.

"You're so freaking irritating," she breathes against my lips as she runs her hands through my hair without thinking otherwise. The feel of her soft fingers running through my hair sends a shiver down my spine and I nearly tremble with the desire overload.

"You drive me up the wall," I gasp as I slide my hand gently up and down her back and step just above her butt, feeling the curve of it at the tips of my fingers. I kiss her harder, my lips pressing deeply into her's until you would've thought that they would've melded together and then I pull away suddenly and move down to her collarbone, feeling the need to feel her elegant skin underneath of my lips.

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